

The Castaway
He once walked a similar line in regards to family, but years went by and they no longer made sense. He shed the yoke of religion, and wandered off the familiar path.

No one knew he turned his back on mental slavery, for he feared to tell anyone. But, now he had found himself an outsider. He never knew how far his path would diverge from his family.

Music became an outlet, but it was hard to find the right bands. Country and rap gave way rock which grew into his true passion. The first notes of "Fade to Black" crept in and corrupted his perspective. Headbangers Ball furthered his ascent into the world of misfits.

He never made friends easily, but he did have one friend from school for a short time, until the friend moved away. So, around others he stood at the periphery; there but never more than a shadow.

Years pass, and he continues his journey alone. His identity hid itself from him. He lived in hypocrisy, chained and lonely. Let the world he grew up in jade him; he continued the lessons instilled.

Bitter and resentful, he walked alone until a new world unfolded before him. An electronic world, free to be himself or an imposter. He made a few friends, all but one now gone. He didn't create the imposter, but the imposter was already inside and waited for awakening.

He furthered his walk away from the past. He knew he'd never be free; manumission would never be his. He's claimed by hubris and hate. But, he furthered his weak identity.

He questioned the beliefs he grew up with, and found the answers he needed. He changed with the passing days. Less hate was dealt with, but still anger lingered. He hated himself. Oh, he despised other things, namely religion and boring music.

He looked into the world of spirits, and found it incredulous. There's no goddess to divine and worship. He went further into the left field, and found wonderous art, but still the workings of magick failed to be true.

He kept hearing negativity around him, and from within. Questioned his choice of hair, his choice of music, and his rejection of religion. He was lessened day by day. No one understood his sense of purpose or identity.

Today, in his misery, he learned who he became, but anger and resentment corrupted his senses. He wished his journey ended with the one attempted end. He grew too scared to fail and never tried again, even thought it ate him alive. Why? Because he left behind the ideology of fear and hate that still prevades his family. And, he lacked the skills that made friends essential.
© Hesher John