

Advice pays!
Once upon a time,when there was feminine. A man told his wife who was pregnant that he was about to embark on a journey of hope ,"may take years, or months,but I am sure I would make it"he told his wife."I need you to stay holy to me and keep your commitment to me holy"his wife told him that she would always be holy to him.
Soon he embarked on his journey in search of greener pasture. After one week he arrived at a merchants house and beged him to let him work for the merchant .The merchant out of pity agreed.
Days turned into weeks,weeks into months and months into years.
After 20 years of hard work the man told the merchant to pay him his money which was 100 million niara.But the merchant told him"you have worked for me faithfully, and have kept all my commandments, but I offer you two choices,I will give you three advices or your money with extra rewards which would you take?the man was totally confused,so he bided more time to think of it.that night he thought deeply"if I don't take this money my family would starve but I can't......
The next morning he made up his mind and told the merchant to give him his advice."good choice lad."said the merchant,
My first advice is..............
the man was sad as he let the merchant with a bag the merchant had prepared for him.
One the first day he met a man "my man are u going to bluebells?let's follow this shortroad" but he remembered the merchants advice never to follow shutcuts Rather long roads,so he said no and went to the long- road,later he heard that the short road led to ritualists.
he slept in an inn. at night he heated some one shouting,and stood up to check,but remembered the merchants advice that curiosity leads to death so he lay back.the next morning the innkeeper told him that it was his crazy neighbour who shouts at night and kills whoever comes out.The man went on and was a mile away from his house when he saw his wife kissing a man on the fore.Anger filled him that he wanted to go and strangle her but remembered the merchants advice never to act in the heat of the moment so he slept outside.The next morning he made up his mind to divorce his wife ,he told his wife"I have kept loyal to u why have betrayed my trust?the man I saw you kissing last night was who?His wife was totally puzzled "honey what are you saying?I gave always kept loyal to you,the man you saw yesterday night whom I was kissing is your son who I was pregnant for 20 Years ago" The man was so joyous that he told his wife his story.An hour letter he searched his bag and found all his money with extra ponds in with the letter saying"Advice pays"