

Teenage Story
Firstly, you're not a child enough also you're not even adult. This age is the best part of your life and I do agree with that, you can have lots of fun as you are young enough to develop your hobbies, making more friends, you have much more energies to do lot more things, discover lot new things. Teenage life is lot more interesting as you have no worries about your livings.
Yes it is true that you don't have any rights to decide about yourself. You have to take a decession only after taking a permission from your parents for many things, sometimes you are not permitted for many reasons but it's true that teenage life is fun.

Some teenager gets motivated, some are depressed, some uses drugs, some gets pregnant at the mid of teenage life, and so on.
Some teenager deals with bullying, some goes through emotional, functional and physical problems, such pressure under their academic expectations. Those can have serious consiquences which causes a depression that may take them to sucidal attempts.
Sadness, frustration, short tempered, feeling hopeless, annoyed, loss of interest, thinking about diying or attempting to sucide are the changing emotion of one teenager that can require a lot more treatment.

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