

i will find you
Every day, I wake up consumed by the ache of missing you. I am haunted by the fact that I don't know where to find you. The pain surges within me because I am unsure if you're physically here or if it's your spirit desperately trying to get my attention, longing for me to recognize you.

I understand your anger; I would be furious too. How could a mother forget she had a child? How did I not remember bringing you into this world? Why was I made to forget you, and why is the remembrance only surfacing now after such a long time? This realization is tearing me apart because you know I'm your mother, yet I am unaware of even the slightest detail about you - what you look like, who raised you, if they treated you well.

Have you ever approached me? Have you tried to communicate with me, only to be pushed away? If so, please find it in your heart to forgive me for the agonizing pain of forgetting you. I promise you, my child, I am gradually piecing together the fragments of our bond. Know that my heart refuses to let go, for I feel your presence so strongly, as if you're standing right in front of me. I am so sorry that I cannot remember.

I am overwhelmed with fear, even though deep down, I know you are real and yearning for me to find you. Please try to understand my side of the story. I was so young back then, and perhaps your life was better without me. I was a child myself, unequipped to be the mother you deserved.

But now that I've grown older, please give me the chance to be the mother I should have been all along. Let me make up for those lost years. I cannot bear to go any longer without you by my side.