

Into the flames rising out of a setting sun,
I draw in a deep breath before I run...
Through the winds of change, that blow me astray,
I keep moving forward, in search of a brighter day.

For the fire within me, it burns like a flame,
Guiding me towards my destiny's name.

So I run into the sunset, with head held high,
Chasing my dreams, against the sky.

And though the road may be long, and the journey tough,
I will persevere, for the reward is enough.

For the beauty of life, lies in the chase,
And the memories made, in each step I take.

So I embrace the flames, and the setting sun,
And I run towards my dreams, until they are won.

And as I bask in the glory, of what I have done,
I'll keep the fire burning, and start a new dawn.

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