

After boot camp...
I got home about 2 that evening noticing work that needed to be done before I even got out of my car. The temperature of the season had started to change and I was glad of it being such a hot summer. I opened the door to a pile of mail for me to go through as I sip on my cup coffee. It's nice being alone sometimes I thought two months with
people will make you know that.
Now I can just be, do what I want noone telling me nothing this being alone business is truly a blessing. But after I get a rest I've got to get busy I've got a lot of work to do.
My mind fell on Sammy I could see him at the pond with nothing on but some pond water dripping from his everything.
The mind is a very delightful thing I thought.
Ladybug get your mind on what's need to be done I said talking to myself. There was a letter from my sister I went and laid across my bed as I read it. The house phone rang so you made it safely the soft strong voice said.
You've done your homework I said I take it you got the address too...
There was silence for a minute, can I I use it he said. Look I got this weekend off can I come see you. This weekend I asked I got letter from my sister asking me to visit her.
Anyway I just left boot camp and need to do some things and readjust. Can I use the address he said. Sam all this is happening so fast I'm not use to this. Yeah he said I can tell you're use to something different why won't you let me get close to you West. You've got this idea in your head and I understand why but I'd like to try to get it right. Look West every time is a new start this started the minute we started talking don't stop this West. Do you think that I'm going to let a few miles get in the way of this. There is a right way to do things and I don't want to let this go for a lack of understanding. Tell you the truth I have never talked to someone like you before
The problem is you won't let me in you got these thoughts of me and you're looking for me to be your thoughts. You don't even know me you going on what you heard and the thoughts that you're thinking.
You've listened to all that stuff that those other women has said about me, they really don't know me. I know that you admitted to cheating on a woman that you say you were in love with. Love isn't like tham Sam. I want to see you West he said.
The phone beeped it was my sister Sam I have another call I got to go I said.
Later West he said... Days went by and he called everyday but I wouldn't take his calls I just looked at the phone as it rang. I know that he likes me but could I trust him he told me himself that he cheated on the woman that he was in love with. How do you do that how do you love somebody and cheat with somebody else to me that's to love.
Maybe I'm wrong but when I'm in a relationship with someone I don't look at nobody else. Maybe I'm wrong about love.
Maybe I've been doing it wrong all this time
I thought, oh' hell naugh I ain't about to even think that. I wanted him tho him and all his stories the good and the bad. But....
he's got to be crazy if he think that it's going to be easy.