

The Mysterious Sounds
"Yeah.Oneday someone even heard a scream!"said Shruti."What if we visit the floor after the school is emptied and check if it is really true or just a rumour?"I asked Shruti."Wanna die?Or something?"Shruti asked.My best friend, Aliana was the only one who agreed to come with me The floor on which our class was situated was said to be haunted. One of our classmates forgot her stationery in her desk .She went to bring it,after the school had ended and no one was in our floor She told us that she had heard the sound of an anklet.Another girl said she had heard a scream.

It was Friday ,that we chose ,as the next day was a holiday and we expected the teachers to leave faster than usual.It would have been better if the whole school was empty because we could be sure if it was a ghost or a human.My friend and I packed certain things like a camera,a few candles and a matchbox. We also packed a lot of dry snacks and a few coke bottles.

Finally the day arrived. After the classes we went back to our home.Some of our classmates even instructed not to do this but we were determined to find out the ghost.Aliana and me took our bags. We escaped by telling our parents that we were going to play with our friends in the nearby ground.We reached school at four PM.Nobody not even a single soul was present in the whole school campus ,except for the security guards and the sisters in the convent behind the
school.We sneaked in through the back of the school to avoid the awkward questions presented to us by the guards.We climbed the wall at first and jumped in after we checked if anyone was watching us or not.

Once inside the school campus we silently went towards the building where our floor was situated. We climbed the staircase to the floor where classes 7A ,7B,8A and 8B were present.We opened the door of 8B our class.The door opened with a little creek.Moving the chairs and tables silently to one side we made a little space for our accommodation in the middle of the room.I rook out the mat and laid it on the floor.Aliana placed our bags at one side of the mat.I was wearing a watch, so I checked the time.It was almost 5 PM.

We sat down and started talking in a low voice."Remember that time when you were punished for laughing in class?"I asked Aliana.She said "Oi!That was one time !""Oh really ?!"I asked jokingly .We had a good laugh at all the troubles we had caused for the people in our school.We felt sleepy after sometime and soon dozed off.

Ariana's sleep was disturbed with the sudden sound of someone talking.She pinched me.I sat up startled.Eying to the corridor she said ," Who is that? The sisters?""If so then we are going to be hanged upside down." I joked.She slapped me on my knee.Suddenly the door which we had locked from inside,opened widely.No one could be seen .The thing that surprised us was that how could someone open a door that was bolted from inside. We gathered our courage and rose from our places.Walking towards the door we felt a cold breeze blow.Just when I tried to bolt the door ,the sound of anklets was heard.Aliana and I could feel a chill run down our spines.

It had grown quite dark by now so the room was completely dark.Aliana tried to find the light switch,but it felt like the switch board had disappeared. I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. "Aliana?"I asked ."What?"she questioned.
"Are you scared?"
"Did you place your hand on my shoulder?"
I gave out a terrified shriek which echoed all throughout the corridor. Right then Aliana found the switch and switched all the lights on.Finally we were relieved. We went and sat down on the mat.I lighted two candles and placed them beside our mat,just in case it went dark again.

We munched on a few chips and drank a coke each .While we were drinking the coke,the lights in our class started the go off and on altogether .Something snatched the coke bottle from Aliana.The lights went totally off now.In the candle light we could see the coke bottle floating in mid-air.The candles blew out and a cold breeze could be felt by us.After a few seconds we heard a loud scream.Out skin crawled and we could feel the paranormal existence of a spirit in the room.The fan,which was switched off as it was winter,suddenly started to rotate.An evil laugh echoed throughout the room.Thud!Thud! It felt like someone was walking with loud footsteps in the corridor.I picked up my courage ,took hold of a candle and a matchbox, walked out of the corridor and lighted the candle.

I still remember, what I saw there.The whole corridor had a line of blood ,which looked like someone had dragged a bleeding body around the corridor. My candle went off and I fainted with fear.

Next morning, I was woke up by the sister who had come for a daily look on the school building. "What are you doing here?"she asked.I was lost for words. I tried to give a reason but the words were stuck in my throat. After sometime, I remembered about Aliana. I ran to our classroom but Aliana was nowhere to be found.I informed the sister about the sudden disappearance of Aliana.Aliana's bag was still there,which meant she possibly did not go home.Then where was she?

On Monday,I went to school without my best friend and a heavy heart.Who knew where she was? During the first period I missed her very much.I could not concentrate in the class and was scolded by the teacher.The chair beside me was empty for the very first time this year.Aliana used to sit there,she was not sitting there anymore.Of course I told the teacher she was absent ,but even I didn't know where she was.I don't know how but somehow I felt Aliana's presence.Like,I could hear her laughter, I could hear her talk.I could hear her everywhere. I could see her calling me,every now and then.I felt like I was going mad,slowly and slowly.

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