

*An 11 year old child committed suicide on mother’s day as a gift to his mom. He left a letter saying "On today’s special day, I want you to be the happiest ever. Every day you used to say that happiness left your life the day I was born. You told me dad left us because of me. So today,I want to change things. I want you to be happy and live as if I’ve never existed. You told me you’d never look at me with love but I always loved* *you and admired you as the best mom on earth. I hope one day you will think of me, I hope in heaven you will finally hold me and kiss me. The* *best gift I could give you is leaving your life as you’ve always told me* *you wished I was never born. I love you mama, happy mother’s day".*

*#Please, be careful of what you say to your kids.