

Ballads Of Nirvana
Chapter 20
Part 1

Chag, Mythri, Indriya, Soma, Yamya had lunch. Mekhala and Lekha joined them but ignored Indriya, just while going back to their rooms they mumbled their wishes to Indriya and Indriya batted her eyelashes and smiled mockingly.
They had the most delicious lunch that started with all kinds of starters and ended with having the chocolate lava cake the chef prepared for her Birthday. Indriya had never had this kind of a birthday in her life, she always celebrated her birthday with her Abhi and Ram and her parents, so some part of her ached at the thought of the absence of her parents and the twins, her birthdays were usually quiet.

After lunch, the four of them went to the rose garden table and sat down to chat. She wished this part of her life could be a time loop, she wished could be stuck in this place forever and be in this moment. They talked and talked and talked until Soma and Yamya admitted that they were exhausted and that they needed to take a nap. Soma and Yamya were technically Zombies, they could function with four hours of sleep, but Indriya needed at least ten hours to function properly. So they left and so did Chag to show them to their rooms.
“Were you born in Ujwala, Mythri?” Indriya asked.
“Uh… well, I… was born in Ujwala… yes, I was born in Ujwala… I went to the same school as Chag from the age of ten, before that, I was homeschooled.” She replied hesitantly and hurriedly. Indriya nodded in response, she knew the healer was awkward in conversation and spoke really less so Indriya did not want to dig deeper for information.
“Do you have any siblings?” Indriya asked to change the topic of schooling.
“I do… I mean I don’t, but I always wished for a brother, an elder one, they are very loving and caring and protective, So…” She said, stammering.
“Mm.” Mythri was a very private person and Indriya had a feeling that she was causing discomfort for the healer by asking questions about her personal life, so she let the silence settle in. Although it was awkward, she felt like it was better.

Mythri and Indriya were alone seated in their chairs like two old women did while enjoying their cuppa and discussing the world in the dense twilight. Twilight? Oh god! It was twilight.
“Mythri, what is the time?” Indriya asked hurriedly.
“A minute to five, why?” She asked, lowering her eyebrows.
“I...have some errands to attend,” Indriya said in a hurried tone.
She rampaged toward the entrance through the rose garden, gathering her skirt as she did so. Agni hated it when she was late even to their training, he would probably kill her now if she didn’t reach in time.

So she ran and ran like a bull whose horns were set on fire, when she reached the metal gates she paused and took in long breaths. When she caught her breath finally, she pushed the gates open, they did not make a slightest noise as they did so.

“You're two minutes late, Princess…” Agni paused as he looked at her, he sized her up from head to toe, his lips parting slightly. His eyes lingered on her upper lip, where the tiny golden beads of her Bulaki rested. After an entire ten seconds of staring, Indriya decided that she should break this silence by clearing her throat or this awkwardness might take at least a millennium to end. Agni looked at her as his eyes went back to giving a bored look.

She noticed Agni himself was looking quite good, not that he didn’t look mind numbingly handsome everyday, today, he was wearing a full sleeved Indigo tunic that complimented his tall elegant muscular frame, but it was casually unbuttoned in the top, showing his tanned chest and a glint of a thin gold chain. His hair, she noticed, was loose, she fought the urge to touch his hair that looked like fine mulberry silk thread shining nearly golden in the sunlight.

“Come with me, Princess.” He started walking with that sinuous grace as Indriya walked fast enough to fall in line with his speed. A minute later they were in the horse stables, which smelled like hay, wet mud and fresh horse dung that made Indriya crinkle her nose. Agni smiled at the way she made a face.

She followed him to the second row of horses where he stopped so abruptly that Indriya bumped into him. He turned sideways and opened the stable door to a white stallion that heals a red rose in its mouth. He didn’t even care to apologise or even acknowledge it this time neither did she.
The stallion walked toward Indriya and let out a breath like it wanted to give her something. She instinctively extended her arm and the horse gave her the red rose from her mouth. She smiled at it and touched the beast's head with her free hand.

“You like her?” Agni asked.
“She’s beautiful.” Indriya said breathlessly.
“What do you want to name her?” He asked, smiling at her like she was a child.
Indriya Thought for a bit and then said, “I will name her,” she paused, “Kuvalya.”
She gently rubbed the stallion’s forehead, and the beast neighed in response as though it approved the name.
“The wondrous horse of Indrajeet, son of Ravana.” Agni said as he stared at the beast with admiration in his eyes, she loved the horse.
“Happy Birthday, Princess.” Agni whispered softly as he saddled her and attached a satchel bag along with it.
“You can’t be serious Agni.”
“What? Don't you like it?” Was he being serious? Indriya loved her but this was so expensive and priceless, it would have cost quite a fortune.
“I love her, but I can’t have her. She is so…”
“Let me give my Queen her first war horse.” Indriya was speechless, his Queen. His Queen.