

smiling it's a real thing
In order to be my best and give to society ,my unique set of skills. There needs to be an awakening again, fear and judgement stopped my life from heading on that path not once but probably multiple times.
I have taken a very wide detour of at least 10yrs and now I find myself restless and the nessisite to go back to what moves me.
My life has always been about what I don't have,what I have lost and how I have felt being alone and what seems to be a battle in my life just to survive.

Really the message is to get back my life to joy , what I really enjoy talking about. I have missed the interaction with people.
The only way to bring love and happiness to my life is about doing things that my soul wants me to do.
That would be taking the time sitting down and not overhinking my every thought. The answers have always been right in front of me. I know that spirit is forever with me, kind compassionate,loving really like an old friend that stands guard with you during life's little battles. My spirit gently reminding me to take a moment, stop,breathe feel the presence of spirit in me and around me. Take time to lighten the load, express laughter. My spirit loves it when I have this deep laugh that lifts you up in that very moment, when you take other people around you into that fun vibration, it's magic.
Some people's gift to this world is being able to open their heart with out thought, this can be a simple smile towards someone.
Everyone at some stage would have experienced this smile, some choose to ignore it and drudge on in their day, other's take that moment to engage with humanity and actually smile back "Hello" this is a connection what everybody on the planet is suppose to do CONNECT.
A smile radiates thru you, sometimes it feels like an angel has touched your soul in that minute.
Why? because it's a gentle warm expression of careing from someone you don't even know. No different from a song that I remember forever because I resonates with the very words of that song. A smile is just that we all know what it means and it all resonates at some level.

Connection is not about your phone, it's not about facebook, instagram,twitter,tick-tok or you-tube. The very first thing to do, is put down your phone!! I know without a doubt that when I put away my phone, creation begins.
I have been privilaged to live in a time when cellphones and laptops where not in my childhood, and I appreciated that lesson.
It is so easy to spend hours schrolling posts and taking selfies, writing stories of how amazing your life is. Or is it? It is such a waste of why you are here. We are here to create, to experience what you love to do. If I hear you say watching tick tok is what I love to do. I would ask you to think about this.

Down time yes maybe watch a movie or tick tok, however give your soul something that it is craving for, something that you can sink your teeth into.
It's not the same for everyone, it is special for you. Although there might be thousands of people doing this thing, it is still not your own way.
Me I love to go for a walk in the park with no device attached to me. I take my dog with me ,this lightens my mood, relaxes my soul, i get to hear the music of nature, I listen to the wind in the trees, if it rains I enjoy the coolness on my face, when the sun shines that very energy and warmth surrounds me. I can actually feel how good I felt from the start of my walk to the very end.
When I was a kid, there was only your imagination that moved you thru the day especially in a weekend, no television was aloud until the early evening. I was told to go outside and play, so I did. In my youth, I built carts, went fishing, packed a lunch and biked to the beach with a friend, played for hours kicking a ball against a fence, loved to draw cartoons. My siblings and I would spend hours, making a city out of blocks and clothes pegs in our lounge room. We played tennis on the street , competions of jumping off the house roof and had water fights with friends.
Life was full of imagination, you did what made you happy in that time. For today by starting to turn off your phone this will begin the process of imagination. When you sit in silence long enough idea's come to you, creativity comes to you. Then you start to ask questions about those idea's. Here is when good old creation is born. You and me are born with this amazing ability to be creative and inspiring we just need alittle time to sit in silence and allow inspiration to move into us, into our very being.
For me in this moment as I am writing to whoever wants to listen and read, this is what I move for and can spend hours talking about. I have know idea if I am even good at it, but who cares right? This is my dream and inspiration to write, and I can do whatever I want with it.
Considering that my english teacher at school was never impressed with writing or grammer, I have know qualification for writing.
This does not give me an excuse or you to stop what you enjoy because some bozo said you weren't up to the level for success.
Success is taking that leap of faith , and following thru with your thoughts and idea's and then see what happens. As long as you do it with enjoyment,
otherwise why bother at all.
Step one Smile.

© Alexander