

smiling it's a real thing
In order to be my best and give to society ,my unique set of skills. There needs to be an awakening again, fear and judgement stopped my life from heading on that path not once but probably multiple times.
I have taken a very wide detour of at least 10yrs and now I find myself restless and the nessisite to go back to what moves me.
My life has always been about what I don't have,what I have lost and how I have felt being alone and what seems to be a battle in my life just to survive.

Really the message is to get back my life to joy , what I really enjoy talking about. I have missed the interaction with people.
The only way to bring love and happiness to my life is about doing things that my soul wants me to do.
That would be taking the time sitting down and not overhinking my every thought. The answers have always been right in front of me. I know that spirit is forever with me, kind compassionate,loving really like an old friend that stands guard with you during life's little battles. My spirit gently reminding me to take a moment, stop,breathe feel the presence of spirit in me and around me. Take time to lighten the load, express laughter. My spirit loves it when I have this deep laugh that lifts you up in that very moment, when you take other people around you into that fun vibration, it's magic....