

Love and Beauty
Love. Define it for me, will you? At least try...?
I look at you with big puppy-like eyes. Requesting you. Begging you. Resolve this one question.

This is a disadvantage of a curious mind. If you don't get an answer to a question you have, even if it's an answer you don't really need, it kills you.
I take a look at what Olaf said.

Love is... putting someone else's needs before yours.

No. I'm not satisfied. That's something that can define literally any positive emotion on earth. Kindness. Service. Goodness. You name it.

So, since you're intent on not answering, or maybe you did answer, but I can't hear you, let me propose a definition. Tell me if you agree, okay?
Love is accepting a person for every part of them.
Not in spite of any part, but for every part. Accepting every facet of their personality, every emotion and outlook they have, every opinion they choose to hold. Not agreeing with it, just acknowledging it. Not wanting to change it, because that's a part of them.
If THEY want to change it, sure, but not you. Can that be love? Because it's difficult to do that. It ticks the first criterion for love: being difficult. Tough. If it's not, It's an infatuation. Love needs work to keep alive, even though it might ingite without effort.

Okay, so you helped me with love. Maybe. Perhaps.
Let me propose another idea. Beauty.

Will you trust me if I say it isn't something that you can spot, per se?
Beauty, you see, is like... a lens. it's a piece of coloured glass you choose to see the world through. If you look through it, you see it everywhere. Everywhere, it mixes with the original colour of the object and gives it a beautiful tinge.
Beauty– lies in the eyes of the beholder.
Or maybe in front of. If it's a lens.
If you CHOOSE to look for beauty, you'll find it's already there. Is it a Product of the lens? Maybe. Like the darkish colour of everything through sunglasses. Or maybe the lens just ENABLES you to see it. Like infrared goggles.

Tell me what you think, will you?
My curious mind threatens to kill me. Again. As usual.

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