


Everyone was calling out for the police officers to get her out of their cell.

"This girl is a witch!"

"She is a witch!" Yet another bully yelled.

Another one spoke from far behind the dingy room " they should place her in a cell all to her self."

Naturally, they all got scared.

These were the strong girls in the female juvenile cell.

They had made deliberately attempts to beat on her, four different times now.

Each time they got close, she simply appears not to be visible anymore.

However, when they retreat from where she had been sitting, then they see her again, seated comfortably,

Deep in thoughts.


Eyes appeared to be far away, thinking about something that has nothing to do with the environment she currently finds her self.

Alake was brought in two days ago for hiding the knowledge of a crime that happened in her house.

They insists she knows the culprit that stabbed her step father.

She on the other hand says her step father was in her room to rape her, and she had fought back as much as her 14 years old strenght would allow her.

"But I didn't stab him" she maintained.

Kamoru was still in the hospital, admitted from the deep knife wounds on his back.

It was already stitched and he was on painkillers.

"Yes, the room was quite dark, but I could see clearly. Something stabbed me", he says repeatedly.

Something that came from behind me, he mumbles on in bewilderment.

"But Alake was definitely still on the bed, as she wrestled with me, that was when I felt a knife stab me...