

The Games Of Destiny
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

It is a bright day. Today Sarim has to take aome interviews for the post of his personal secretary. As soon as he gets out of his office to go to the interview room, he gets a call from home. Unfortunately, Fareeha gets high fever. Listening to what is said on the call, Sarim immediately leaves for home.

Meanwhile Kabir; HR manager is directed to take the interviews and finalise someone eligible for the post. He is advised with all the preferences by Sarim. Kabir does the same as per order.

Sarah is finalized as the secretary of Sarim. She is the daughter of a business man, but wants to make her own identity. She is a beautiful, elegant and social girl of twenty eight; totally different from Sarim, as he is an introvert. She is very decent girl but the only thing that goes against her is her nervousness. She is confident otherwise but rarely gets anxious and creates trouble for herself. She has to join from tomorrow, so she goes home to prepare for the big day.

On the other hand, Sarim is worried for his mother and is taking all the possible care he can. Fareeha is laying on the bed aftee the checkup by their family doctor. She tries to console him by telling that she is fine now. But all her words go in vain. As Sarim is very close to his mother, he can not imagine anything happening to her. He has seen his mother bravely fighting with all the difficulties from a lomg time. Fareeha takes another attempt.

Fareeha: Sarim! My love! I'm feeling better now. Go and take some rest. You are sitting here from hours now.

Sarim: (holding her hand) I'm not going anywhere until you are perfectly fine.

Fareeha: You will fall sick this way.

Sarim: I don't care. For now you are my only priority.

(After loosing the discussion from her son, Fareeha goes to sleep. Sarim is a kind of person who keeps his feelings amd emotions to himself. He is worried for his mother. He always fears of loosing her and has never been able to exclaim this. Sarim sleeps sitting near his mother, holding her hands all the time.)