

I see...
The weekend went by pretty fast I got up at 6 read my bible and prayed asking the Lord
to let this job be a good job. After I got to work Mike was still at home. I let myself in with the keys that he had given me. I went straight to the kitchen to get started on Mrs Willis's breakfast. Good morning he said, goodmorning I thought you would have gone to the office. I wasn't sure that you were going to show up so I stuck around just in case he said. Mike I said let's get one thing clear right now I gave you my word and I don't go back on my word. If I want you to know something I will tell you. There is no way that I would promise your mother that I would take care of her and just not show up.
I'm sorry he said I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that I've been depending on other people and they've taught me that you can't depend on noone but yourself. Look if this is going to work out you are going to have to trust me. The best way that we could do that is to be honest with each other completely honest I told him.
Look I am your employee you hired me to take care of your mother I'm going to treat your mother as if she is my mother. He got very silent and just looked at me. Those eyes could see things. Now it was as if there was a certain that was opening not all the way but opening.
He seem sad like there was something that he wanted to talk about but his life and friends have taught him to not to trust. Mike I don't know what have happened for you not to trust anyone but please don't put me in that category. Please get to know me before you form an opinion about me and I'll do the same. Here this her call phone he said she'll call when she's awake and when she needs you to help her with something.
You don't have to watch her like a baby just be there when she need you he said. I have to go out on a site today but you have my cell number if you need me or if she does.
The phone rang goodmorning Mrs Willis I said I'm on my way I went in helped in and out of the bath everything else she did
It's like she don't need an assistant she does everything I thought to myself. The day went on and I made work for myself seeing that there was nothing to do. 11o'clock I started lunch seeing she wanted soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
At 4 Mike still wasn't back from the site at 6:45 the truck pulled up in the drive.
How's mother he asked are you sure she need someone to watch her she does everything.
What's really needed is a walkin tub for her
otherwise you're just babying her. No he said I'm not she fell getting out of the tub one morning and broke her leg, noone was there and she stayed on the floor until her neighbors heard her yelling help. I don't want that to ever happen to my mother again. It took her a long time to get over that.
You're right he said I never thought about a walkin tub but I'll get right on that thank you
You can go I'll see you in the morning he told me and Ms Blake thank you. I went in the living room to gather my things got back to the kitchen it had started to get dark.
Looking out the back door Mike was sitting in a chair to the firepit he looked so lonely as the light from the flames lit up his face.
Instead of going to my car I found myself walking over to the pit. Why aren't you're a nurse or something Ms Blake he asked, Eve I said.
I never had a career in mind never had any dreams of ever becoming anything I just worked from one job to the next just trying to make ends meet not to be a beggar. I've always been by myself never having noone in my life really. I come from a very poor family my mother died when I was 3. My family lived on a one parent paycheck. My daddy worked as a limber limbing trees in the logwoods.
The money that he earned every week was for lights, food and water in the house. We were poor but he did his best to keep food lights and running water. I learn at an early age that money was for what we needed not for what we wanted. I was lucky if I even got something for Christmas he didn't have the money and I wouldn't ask for anything because I knew it wasn't needed. Most of the kids that I went to school with had two parents I had one but he loved me I knew that my daddy loved me. I never had any dreams I never wanted to be anything. All I ever wanted to do was live and I learned to just be content with whatever looking into the fire.
I wouldn't look up because I knew that he would be looking at me and those eyes.
Getting up not looking at him goodnight I said goodnight Eve he said as I walked to my car.

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