

Where do babies come from : Part 1
It sometimes happens mysteriously. To some it may seem normal. To most of us it is a question worth asking. When young we used to ask ourselves where babies come from.

There was once a boy. He went by the name Clinton. As a young kindergartener of five and seeing people, he always asked himself where babies come from. He was afraid of asking him mom and dad because he thought they would get angry and ground him.
He had the thought with him till he finally entered fifth grade. This was the time he actually added up the courage to ask his parents.

He asked his mom and she told that babies come from the baby store. He wasn't convinced so he asked his dad the same question and he also said the same thing. Clinton got excited and said that he wanted to visit the baby store immediately. His parents told him that it only opens once in a month.

Clinton was not satisfied so he kept making tantrums.

© nathyvanIvanHollan