

Africa & Poverty: A Complex Issue
We hear many platitudea about poverty in Africa,Everything from plausable politicians,,to Rock stars,shouting "Cancel the third world debts"Mainly a PR front to show their "fans" how "caring" they are! Firstly," Cancelling the debt" has been tried! It just mounted up again! The reasons are very deep & complicated,as i'll explain..


The colonial powers went into Africa in the 18th to 19th Century,on the pretext of civilising the natives,But in reality, to "plunder" the resources of the continent,The rush, gave great riches,But also increased slavery,and other henious trades,

After 1945 "Colonialism" became anathema in the world,& the rush out ,was as quick as the entry,centuries before..Mainly in the late 1950's & 60's many nations gained their independance,but the colonial powers ,didn't leave a bureaucracy. or a middle class to run the ex colonies,In short, the newly independant peoples were not trained or shown how to run or maintain their nations..

These factors play a huge part in the current plight of Africa today,because it left wealthy,corrupt families running, owning almost everything,& they didnt care about poverty & Starvation,in short,they kept any money given,and the poor still starved! Today,strangly some African countries are pretty rich,but the Wheat,grain,other foodstuffs are for EXPORT only,to being in foreign currency,to line the pockets of an elite in many places,But..the poor still starve..Some even beside huge fields of wheat,they can't touch it,If they did,they & their families will be shot..Life is cheap in Africa.

The Charities "Industry"

Many charities embrace the "Dark Continent" Its become a business....90% of given cash,is used by these "Charities" in "Administration" costs! It may take a generation,to unravel the "poverty in Africa,and practical help,to change it .Long term reasoned courses are needed,Irrigation,education on what will & won't grow,in a particular soil,It needs to be a "two pronged" approach,long term.planning & short term emergency help,to alleviate current starvation & distress.. Population & Education Africa has huge populations,some of the very poor townships,are bigger than many western cities,Darfur..is little mentioned these days,but its a humanitarian "Disaster" and in truth,the world "shifts" its priorities and forgets issues which are still prevelant,and people are still suffering,.but it dosent make the media much now..Some other "newsworthy" stories have come along..The world is corporate & cruel..Other headlines will sell more newspapers,make more money.Yet Darfur still starves & suffers,The "money" countries of the world cannot be blamed entirely for this,as I have mentioned..Corrupt "Elites" run some of these countries & simply don't care about the poor or starving,as long as they hoard & spend the it nations wealth..Like the "colonial era,they "plunder" the national assets.This in turn because of deprivation & poverty,has led to a breeding ground for Communism eagerly exploited by the unscrupulous....The fault entire of the elites..who are too short sighted to even think about their respective nations..or their future.. In many countries where education is free,I have seen so many,out of pure ignorance,or apathy,just ignore the opportunities offered free..In Africa,so many people and kids want a good education,but cause they realize,unlike their "FreeED" counterparts,that a good education brings a good life,both for them & for their families..Its taken very seriously,as anyone with sense would..No one should be denied the chance to better themselves,it should be the right of all..Talent,Brains,should be the only criteria..not money..


When that finally happens will make Africa truly free..

Malaria Vaccine But Little Covid Vaccine?

Strange things happen in Africa right now..An offer of "universal" malaria shots,that could easily been given 20+ years ago..I wonder if there's a "hidden agenda" here.The middle to Southern parts of Africa,more commonly known was "Black Africa" have received practically no Covic 19 vaccines,the big Pharma & richer countries,simply won't "give" because it would be "free" & most countries there simply can't afford the aforementioned vaccine..YET..they will "give" malaria vaccines free? A truth here,Most will be aware in Africa,about malaria,providing a vaccine will make them "Rush" to get it..Probably the teal.intention. While people in Africa,will know about Covid,in some cases,others won't,particularly in isolated communities..Africa is a vast Continent..news can travel slow at times..So forgive me being deeply suspicious of the "offered" Malaria Vaccine..especially when the whole state media many places,is telling everyone,how much they need to be vaccinated! from Covid19.... Food for thought..

Population & Education

Africa has huge populations,some of the very poor townships,are bigger than many western cities,Darfur..is little mentioned these days,but its a humanitarian "Disaster" and in truth,the world "shifts" its priorities and forgets issues which are still prevelant,and people still suffering,.bit it do sent make the media much now..Some other "newsworthy" stories have come along..The world is corporate & cruel..Other headlines will sell more newspapers,make more money.Yet Darfur still starves & suffers,The "money" countries of the world cannot be blamed entirely for this,as I have mentioned..Corrupt "Elites" run some of these countries & simply don't care about the poor or starving,as long as they hoard & spend the nations wealth..This in turn because of deprivation & poverty,has led to a breeding ground for Communism eagerly exploited by the unscrupulous....The fault entire of the elites..who are too short sighted to even think about their respective nations..or their future.. In many countries where education is free,I have seen so many,out of pure ignorance,or apathy,just ignore the opportunities offered free..In Africa,so many people and kids want a good education,but cause they realize,unlike their "FreeED" counterparts,that a good education brings a good life,both for them & for their families..Its taken very seriously,as anyone with sense would..No one should be denied the chance to better themselves,it should be the right of all As many African people become more educated,there is real hope for the future.. But right now,Its platitudes,Unfulfilled promises,pop stars shouting,to show their fans how "caring" they are..& Corrupt elitist famlies in their respective countries keeping all the countries income.. But the poor still starve...
