

Your wish to read 🏳
Well, it’s good to sometimes just speak.
According to me prominently.

What do I mean is, Speak to yourself.

So, this is one of those moments when I am going to type just in a flow.
(P.S. If I get regular readers, I’ll think of starting a blog, BUT I WON’T.
You know why, because this is a talk to self, Not need to be publicly shared)

Bruh, that’s Exactly what you’re doing.

Other way.
Narrow way.
The last one is funny.
Yeah, that last word is ‘funny’ with an exclamation mark.
Ever thought of pronouncing it as “foooonnyyy”???

Hehe sounds cute.

Nah! Weird.

If you guys have noticed, the first alphabet of 5 words...