

Knowing a stranger (part 14)
''you saw everything?''

''I'm the one who got you into.So ofcourse I know''

''Its -just -I need to--''

''I not regretting anything Jooan .So stop being scared.I know you love her .but you both still needs time ..ok?

''But will she regret everything if I confess?''

''I cant promise you .I saw her today .she still needs time.she hasn't forgotten everything.(I know she cant -Sol's mind)Still acting somewhere!
she needs to be real.I want her to be like that''

''I have to wait right?''

''Hmm..it seems like I should have showed her to you before.you seems to be better''

''yes but--''


''u hmm....''

''I need time..I'll try to fix it''

Sol can I ask you something?''


''I dont know if I could ask this .Have you ever loved someone?''
It was the first time Jooan opened completely in front of Sol.

''It happens sometimes''

.He smiled and left there.His eyes became gloomy.Those tears were making him remember the most precious thing he ever had in his life.
'how can I forget you?' ''Rea...''he whispered. A single drop of tear was falling down from his eyes.
Jooan watched him leaving He was confused .But he also left after him.