

In your Dreams
The ground consumed my feet, as everything turned into a blurr. The last thing I remembered was questions, “who am I? Who are you?”

I started running though a house of horror, not knowing exactly what I was running from. Luckily I had a companion, she seemed as confused and scared as I was. We both stood in a room, full of fear, as shadows neared us. They looked from hell ready to grab whoever could come close to touch. She whimpered in fear and mumbled softly under her breathe. I couldnt tell exactly what it was, but I can certainly make out names. Next thing I know, two people came towards us. They were the only people who seemed normal, yet they werent. A girl who looked as if it was the girls mother showed, she had her hair grabbed up with a red hair clip and a red cardigan to match, a Grey undershirt, and black pants to go along with it, as well as some sandals, the kind you leave outside before entering in. She had what I believed to be her son with her, almost as tall as her. she seemed to be 5’6 so this boy can possibly be 5’4. He looked similar to the girl whimpering in fear, they had the same features. Strangely enough, the mother did not. The mother didnt look at me as a matter of fact, and she did not feel the need to turn to show. They suddenly grabbed my hand and started to run a direction, im guessing away from this place, somewhere safe? I decided to trust them, what more do I have? I instinctly grabbed onto the girls hand, and we all ran together in what seemed to be forever. We ran through some halls, made twists and turns, as if she knew the layout of the place just perfectly. She let go at some point and continue to run, not knowing what to do or what to call her, I almost froze. The girl took lead, she started running forward calling out their names. It was so clear, but somehow I cant remember. I stood there, stunned for a second before realizing I didnt want to be there as much as them; next thing I know my feet were running. I chased what seemed to be air, and somehow was caught up in the same room. Enough to see a glimpse of the two who appeared out of no where to run into a closet big enough for more than 2.
‘That was strange’
I thought to myself and I glanced at the girl who left me behind. She was absolutely terrified, I wasnt sure if she couldnt see because she kept calling out to whoever we chased as she stood there with her hands on both sides of her tear stricken face. She simmered to a whimper again, crying as her body shakes. I looked around confused yet somehow scared again. As if to prove me right, there was a lamp in the room that was the only source of light, it flickered softly and directed my attention to the closet then towards the door. Which is more of a danger? Somehow, I didnt know. The light flickered again and the closet slowly opened. A flash of relief washed over me, but left as soon as it appeared. They werent there anymore. The closet opened up to a little boy that was pale white and shirtless, with black hair and black eyes. As if he came straight out of a japanese horror film. And for the ‘mother’ she was no longer there, a little asian girl took her place, did she shrink? I wasnt sure. They started to come towards us, the boy crawled inches and the girl stood but slowly moved one foot after another, making it seem like she was learning to walk the first time in ages. she crackled at every move, her bones seemed brittle yet she bent as if she had none. They came towards while my eyes diverted to the door wondering if I should take my chances. My breathing heightened and I couldnt hold in my fear anymore. I started to look at the girl next to me and I began to whisper “Help Me” she couldnt hear, and the creatures in front of us probably couldnt either. I said a bit louder and firm, “Help Me” but she didnt budge, she stood there with her ears covered, mumbling incoherent words. The little girl was morphing to something else and the gap was slowly closing. My only reaction was to grab the long lamp; our only source of light, as protection. I felt fear like nothing before now, and I felt their malice coming towards me, each step they take. I wanted to cry but what more is that gonna do? My voice trembled, or maybe my hands, I wasmt sure at that point, I wanted to escape so bad but what more, I wanted someone to save me. I looked at her again and kept glancing to see how closer they will get. I started to scream, not sure when, but even my own voice was deafening,
My hands shaked and they were already here, I took a swing at them but the lamp didnt seem to cause damage or touch them to begin. Everything was eerly silent and Im not sure if it was just me, I just screamed one more time
before tears slipped down my face and I felt hands on me as it turned black.

I woke up with those same words escaping my lips and air I never thought would be better. Looking around, I can see the morning light barely reaching the gapes of the windows blinds. The birds were slowly beginning to chirp and the sun was barely waking up, itself.
‘I Am Safe.’
I tried to reassure myself, as I laid there tired and deathly terrified, not sure if Id like to sleep again.
© grey:D