

LUCK BY CHANCE: Part 1 Y/N Series
"I am tired!! but no one like these!! ", says y/n. "How do I make people fall in love with my stories!!" and throws all of her stuffs..
From her disappointed mind y/n checked out her phone.
She scrolled, scrolled and scrolled.
Accidentally, she notices a article.
The article was about a writing competition in which one can sumbit their stories virtually and the south korean judges will judge each of the story and the winner gets to write for the south korea's best publication and to work for them.
Y/N says "Wow! if I am selected I could go to South Korea!! I will write for the South Korea's best publications!!" she screamed.
She decided she will write the best story to get selected because not only she will become a great writer, she will live in south korea and this country was like a heaven for her because South Korea was her destination she always wanted to visit.
But this all will happen when she'll get selected. Therefore, y/n did a lot of hardwork.
She wrote all the days and nights.
Finally the submission day came. She was eagerly waiting for this, because she did a lot of hardwork.
She sumbits her story at the website. Their was written, 'Thank you for taking part. The results will be announced 15 days later.'
She said,"OK!"
Y/N thought all the days and night what would happen?
Finally 15 days later.
She woke up early and opened the website. She was literally very nervous. She opened the website with her shaking hands to check the result.
Result was on her screen she shockingly said," What!! this can't happen!!
-To be continued
-by @M_square
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