

Unfold Your Character
#UnfoldCharacter of yours,
the mysterious human being,
one to discover more about -
little by little you show me a lot
about your character to unfold

#UnfoldCharacter of yours
at moments unexpected
in dreams and in reality
showing what you're worth

#UnfoldCharacter of yours
when it suits your time
the things that matters to you
an yet, you take your time for that

#UnfoldCharacter of yours
someone I didn't expect to get to know
the one that is still mysterious
yet, defined in what you do

#UnfoldCharacter of yours
things that doesn't holds you back
the things you have done
all the events that shapes you

#UnfoldCharacter of yours
the one you show me one day
the one that I might see
the one still to discover too

#UnfoldCharacter of yours
your character that people see
yours that is deeply touched
and yours broken and open again

© Agnes Laurens