

Zyra's Magical Mirror
One girl named Zyra was running through the woods. She soon finds a shed in plain sight. She starts to hear noises. She walks towards the shed. She opens the door and walks in. She finds this glass mirror. The mirror starts to show a magical castle. The castle had a bridge connected to it. The bridge had tree vines wrapped all around it. Next to the bridge is knights and their horses. As soon as she seen what the mirror was showing her, she put her hand on the front of it. She then noticed her hand went through the mirror. She started walking through the mirror. The castle was right in her. She ended up going to a magical place, where everything was a fairytale. She went up to the doors of the castle. She asked the knights "who lives in this castle?" The knights told her "a prince lives here". She then figured out a way to get passed the knights. With her glowing eyes and sparkling lips. She then went to the castle door. She knocked 3 times, no answer. She went and pulled on the door. It opened up. She then saw tones of stares that went at least 6 stories high. She figured out it would drain her energy. She grabbed her glass bottle of energy water from her backpack. She took a few sips of it. She started walking all the way up to the 4th story. She then ended up drained agian. She grabbed her backpack, pulled out her broom. She reached each one her legs over the broom. She then said the words "fly fly high up to the top". She went to the way top to the 6th story. She saw 2 doors. She walked through one room it had a big bad wolf in it. She thought thats not the one with the prince im looking for. She ran out of that room, as quickly as she could. She opened the very last door. She saw the prince deeply asleep. He was gaurded by a 3 headed dragon. She grabbed her backup, pulled out her wand. She said " dragon dragon show your kindness". The dragon went through the glass castle window. Zyra walked up to the prince. She thought why is he deeply sleeping. Zyra tilt her head up. She realized maybe this is my part of the story. She leaned over the prince, kissed his lips with her sparkling charm. The prince awakened. They lived happily ever after. The end.