

2013 [Attempted Murder case] P.4
(Attempted Murder Case Files Review)

Isabella's eyes fluttered open, pain and confusion etched on her face. "Why?" was all she could muster, the question hanging between them, heavy with meaning.

The photographer had no answers, only the crushing realization that jealousy had driven him to the brink of madness.

The tape halted abruptly, its final notes a siren's distant lament, signaling a rescue attempt for Isabella.

Who were these shadowy figures behind the voices? I scoured the internet, casting my net wide in search of a crime that echoed the grim narrative captured in my audio trove.

Among a myriad of misdeeds listed across the globe, one tale stood out, mirroring the grim story of my cousin's assailant—a needle in the haystack of global infamy.

The digital odyssey led me to a case that was eerily familiar, a story that seemed to be ripped from the same cloth as the haunting audio recordings. It was a tale of love, jealousy, and betrayal that ended in tragedy, much like the one that had claimed my cousin’s life.

Armed with this new information, I found myself at the doorstep of a dilapidated building, the supposed scene of the crime that matched the one in the recording, but that was happened 10 years ago. It means, that was the first victim before my cousin.

The air was heavy with the scent of abandonment, and the walls, once vibrant, were now peeling away, revealing the bones of a structure that had seen better days.

I pushed the door open, its creak a solemn greeting to the ghosts of the past. Inside, the remnants of a life once lived were scattered about—a broken picture frame, a faded photograph, and a bullet casing that glinted ominously under the flicker of my flashlight.

"Hello?" I called out, my voice echoing through the empty halls. "Is anyone here?"

Silence was my only answer, but it was in this silence that I felt the presence of the past, whispering its secrets to those who dared to listen.

As I ventured deeper, I stumbled upon a room that was untouched by time. There, on a dusty table, lay a series of photographs, each capturing moments of joy and sorrow. And among them, a picture of my cousin, Maricar smiling, unaware of the fate that awaited her.

My heart skipped a beat as I pieced together the puzzle. The photographer, the woman, the cries for help—it was all connected. The man behind the camera was none other than my cousin's assassin, a revelation that sent chills down my spine.

To be continued...

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