

Knowing Better vs Doing Better (The Struggle)
Knowing Better vs Doing Better
(The Struggle)

Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4.
It has been said and written that in this world we all will experience trial and tribulation, and adversity. That these trials don’t come to destroy us but to make ourselves and our faith stronger I personally feel as though they come to teach us lessons as well. Lessons allowed by God making us to call out for him even more. Lessons that we are supposed to learn from.

Lessons that equip us with knowing what to do in the future. As our children grow from babies to kids even we teach them the do’s and don’ts of how to be, and how not to be, what brings happiness and comfort and what doesn’t. In a lot of experiences that That we have been blessed to overcome throughout our years we know very well what it is that we should be doing. And that is whatever will bring peace and success to ourselves as a person and our life. However, we procrastinate and rebel in actual acts of doing better. The struggle is in us naturally doing whatever feels good to us. We seem to be always on the prowl for “instant gratification”. We get tired of just work and back home to pay bills. It sounds like a pretty messed up life to me too. So after “business handling” the first thing we run to is whatever makes us feel at ease. Whatever doesn’t make us think as hard. Be it our elders and parents giving us the do’s and don’ts of the world, we grown now and yet do’s and don’ts still apply to our grown selves. We don’t go around with intent to get in our vehicle and cause an accident, that would be considered as a “don’t” do that , we would consider following driving rules and driving safely so we don’t harm ourselves or someone else a “Do”. We wouldn’t pick something up off the ground that has been spilled over and left by someone else and consume it ourselves.

Oh nooo, there’s no telling where that has been and picking it up off the ground could harm us, make us sick or have us not feel very well physically. We know better than to do these things because it was taught to us as we grew from kids to adults and just from utilizing what’s called “common sense” as an adult. So how come we don’t apply the same senses and depart from those things that have harmed our mindsets, harmed our ways of being, and overall life? You think we all have a case of the “I can’t help it’s”? Or as we as adults more prone to do what we want, when we want, and how we want. Growing and reaching adulthood which is of legal age according to laws to not need a parent or guardian to tell us what we can and cannot do. This much being true because as adults we CAN do what we want but in doing so has put us more behind rather than keeping us moving forward with progression in our lives.

You know that alcohol or drug substance has done nothing good for your growth as a person. That alcohol or drug not getting us any closer to where and how we should be. Such abuses has depressed us, made us lazy or stagnant, made us not think on doing better for ourselves. The struggle why? Because you’re under so much stress you don’t care what’s good for you and what’s not? Ok fine, but I’m here to tell you that everything literally everything you do has a consequence for it.

One you won’t know what to do with and the choice on what to do if anything solely being on you before it is on anyone else. I’m being reminded of an old saying, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”. You can try and pull that horse to water but if it doesn’t want to go the horse won’t move. You can fuss and point to the well of water but if it doesn’t want to move the horse won’t.

This horse being us for example and God being the farmer trying to get us to that water. That no matter how good something is for us to do if it is something we don’t feel like doing it just won’t happen. Whatever it is. Not that we haven’t been shown and told what to do and how to conduct ourselves, we just don’t want to. There’s something odd about being told what to do as a grown-up huh? You know better.

Doing Better comes from tired of failing impacts. A spirit of surrendering is what I feel like we should have in us by now. Discipline every second of our lives so that we actually have a mindset backed up with acts that just make more sense to carry out. Doing Better comes from knowing very much so what brings us peace and growth and trying for it on a daily basis to bring these things forth to our lives.

Our struggle remains on the inside of us in regards to “ego” and the mindset of we can do what we want at any time. You’ll get tired of living like that. Trust me.

I encourage you to sit down with noone else around you and think on your life and ask yourself if there is anything you could be better at? Probably quite a few things instantly pop up in your brain. How satisfied are you with your own personal life? If you’re not satisfied, what could you do to make it better? And if you already have a good indication of knowing then ask yourself another question and that’s why haven’t you started doing it already?

Knowing Better vs Doing Better oh how it’s a process of it’s very own. But definitely.. definitely one with acts works on self can be carried out. The “when” question is on the inside of you. A made up mind to do so is what it’s going to take. Acknowledging where you are right now and doing something good, something great about it.
Knowing Better vs Doing Better
The choice always being yours
Choose to do Better

Tiffany Garrett 3/8/2023

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