




The cafe announced the closing time......

The trio got up.... and was ready to leave... just at that moment a boy came and said participants of the fest have to start their practice today it self... they need to register the arts or programs they are performaning........

Kani ma and Ashwesh were just not in a mood cause they haven't thought of anything yet........ And Dhruv knew he have to stay cause he was the event management head....... but he didn't told this Kanika.......

Ashwesh and Kanika were heading for the practice And Kanika held Dhruv's hand and said common let's go......

Dhruv knew he has to make an excuse cause he will be handling the assembly.....

Dhruv - Hey..... you go I will be joining you both in a while...... (Dhruv said)

Kanika was a bit taken aback.. but said..... Okk...... come soon... I am waiting...

Ashwesh - Dhruv we want the river sided room it's quite and the best one for our pratice..... so we have to go a little earlier... please join us in the Hall.... we'll be there... (Ashwesh passed a glance with kanika and asked her to come)

Dhruv - Oh! ok... you both go..... and the room let's see what we can do....

Kanika - I really want that room you know..........
Dhruv - haaaaammmmmmmmm.. okkk...

Kanika - You are the event management head... aren't you.. (she asked with a smile)

Dhruv - (awkwardly asked...) What.. haha.... what did you say? Who told you?

Kanika - Like I don't know anything about you love... right...and your phone..... you forgot it's under my control hehhee...

Dhruv -I was about to tell you.....
Kanika - We will talk about this later....
(Ashwesh and Kanika left)


As the management head.. Dhruv announced..... and explained everything .....

Ashwesh and Kanika got the room they wanted......

Dhruv winked at Kanika... and she just smiled... then the hall was dispersed......

Ashwesh and Kanika went to there room and started practicing........... soon Dhruv joined them...........

As Dhruv and Ashwesh were talking... Kanika started singing........

Suddenly they both stopped talking and were just listening to her and looking at here like fools........

Dhruv already was in love... and he was just watching her like..... his love has embraced her forever..

But Ashwesh....... He was just feeling something..... as the gush of air entered the room... her hairs startes moving .. her smile was like rose petals moving and the voice.... it goes right through his heart......
Ashwesh stood there like... he got a lots pearl ....

As Kanika......stopped singing..... Dhruv and Ashwesh were smiling.........

Kanika - How was the song....

Dhruv - Hehhe just...
Before Dhruv could complete his sentence..
Ashwesh - Beautiful.......... just awesome...... I just fell in love with your voice...

Dhruv was taken aback.... and was a bit pissed...... but then suddenly .. a boy came and called Dhruv for the work.... he just passed a glance and left...... ignoring.... cause he knew she sand really well...

As Dhruv was leaving.....
Kanika waved him bye... and they started off with their works......

Soon ......it was evening..... and they Ashwesh and Kanika didn't even realize that it's was getting late.. but the announcement just got them know.. how late they were.........
Soon everyone was summoned in the hall again... for the registration.....

Dhruv already got Kanika and Ashwesh's registration and they were just waiting for Dhruv.....

Dhruv - Hey .. Ashwesh you can leave... I will drop her.
Ashwesh - Yeah sure.... I was just discussing the chords....
Dhruv -You can dicuss it tomorrow...... let's call it the day .....
Kanika - Ha..... but just a min..... it won't take long..
Dhruv angrily looked at kanika
Kanika understood and said ok ok.... We'll do it tomorrow..

Ashwesh was awkward with Dhruv's behavior and said anyways... call me if you have any issue with the chords....

And he left............

Dhruv after completing the work... waved Kanika and they both left...

Dhruv noticed Kanika was smiling throughout the way... he was just confused......

But then they reached home.... Kanika asked him to have some tea and he came along and was talking to kanika.
Dhruv was about to ask Kanika about Ashwesh.. when his phone rang.. and he was called back to college.....

Kanika wanted to tell him something but the phone and work.. got the best of it.....

At night Dhruv called Kanika and said you have toh perform for 2 fest in three months.....
Kanika - But I can't handle this much pressure for such a long time...

Dhruv - Calmed her and said we will figure out something.
Kanika - Listen.. I want to talk baiut something...

Dhruv - Say....

Kanika -You know I think I am....

Dhruv - Hey listen...... donkey... I will call you in a while..... there some work..

Kanika knew he was busy...

kanika... - Ok...... take care.... and please call me.. don't forget....

Dhruv hanged the call..... and got busy with the work....

For next few days... Dhruv wasn't even coming to pick up kanika and during that time Ashwesh started picking her up...

One day...... after a few weeks... Dhruv got a day off and He called Kanika up for a outing.. but as he called.... he realized she was practicing...

Dhruv - Hey.. donkey are you free.. let's go out...

Kanika - Nooooooo... not today we are setting the chords and we are practicing.. listen I will call you in a while (and kanika after saying bye just left the phone there)

Dhruv was listening to Kanika and Ashwesh's conversation and smilinga nd laughing....... The insecurities got the best of him.... he was disturbed....... he decided to meet her... but as he was about to go... The call from college came and he was had to go for the college work....

Days went by..... the trio was busy with work..... each day Dhruv was becoming more insecure and Kanika was becoming more anxious and Ashwesh was getting more closer to Kanika..........

What's going to be next chapter...
Why Dhruv is insecure... ?
What is that Kanika is anxious about?
What's going to be the fate of Ashwesh's closeness....?

Stay tuned to know...
© hola.its_anagha.777

#Love&love #heartbreak #Relationship #friendship #hurt