

A second chance

I stared at the letters tattooed into my right forearm. I had no memory how I had got it or why I was in a hospital gown or why I was floating at the edge of a muddy, river bank. I had absolutely no memory of who I was ,where was I , memory was blank . Doctors came for my regular check up , asking questions if I remember something .
Many days passed away like this , the curiosity in me was just engulfing me from inside .A visitor came to visit me , I asked who he was , how was I related to him . He said he saved me from the river he saw my body flotting by . For now he was paying hospital bills for me . I wanted to know why was he paying for me I didn't remember anything so even if he had lied I wouldn't have any reason to deny . My room was vip I was surprised as why will he pay for a stranger medical bills .
I was being discharged from hospital , nurse was helping me I asked if she knew anything about the person if she knew anything more about him .
He was picking me up , we went to his house , as we reached on the front door a aunt came by she somehow looked satisfied looking at me , I looked at him , he told she was his mom he had told her about all my conditions , so she was satisfied knowing I was okay but she was bit sad , I went up with aunt to a room for rest .

note: I don't know if should continue writing this story or not , please let if you are finding this story interesting or not and let if there are any loopholes in story or grammatical mistake . thank you for reading
© nevidita