

A girl name sara. She is a pretty girl Love to flirt with boys,Never stay with one boy.A boy name ranveer he love sara from the age of 3 and till now also ranveer love sara.He know everything about sara but never stop loving her.Sara flirt with vishal and arjun together but vishal was really love with her.
One day when vishal hear about sara "she love arjun Vishal give her breakup and arjun too".After some day vishal again propose sara and after the time came when vishal need to take revenge he gave breakup to sara.She break inside very badly and she realise her mistakes.
Her childhood lover ranveer was everyday waiting for her,He talk with her stay with her. When he thought now the time came ranveer should express his feeling ranveer propose sara and both of them live happy ever after.

Moral:-If there is a way of love there is love.
-Urmila Mahato