

poetizer implosion
so with the imminent self destruction of my favorite writing app I will be losing almost a thousand poems and writings that I have done. I’m glad to be here. hello. I’m a dragon. nice to meet you. if you want to visit my poetizer page to get to know me a bit more that’s cool. I was there for about two years and it’s sad to see it go. I’ll give the beta ver a try for a minute but if it isn’t any different I’m not paying the difference when I tried so often to publish with them and it just wouldn’t allow it to happen. regardless of the money it’s a principle of the matter. all my writings are trapped on that platform so. feel free to dig them up and give them a read. or not. it’s gonna run you like two or three dollars, thank you. I look forward to writing more here. it’s nice.
© JubilantDragon