

How much is the price of flour???
Siddique was a father of four children. He was a labour. He was living with his family thankfully and happily. His part time earning was enough for their food of one day. Suddenly, a virus known as corona virus spreaded in the country. People were afraid of this.
Due to strict lockdown, he lost his part time job which was their complete support after Almighty.
He and his wife didn't eat food and served all food to their children.
Days gradually passed, the food and money which they saved for difficulties, were ended. There started starvation in their home. Actually home is the big word, there was just a room where they cook and eat food,sleep and live. There was a small washroom beside their room. Its roof was made of spare woods available in their home.
He tried everywhere but he couldn't got work. Everyday, he went out to find some work. Hopelessly, he came back to home where his hungry children look towards them with awaiting eyes.
There was not available a single drop of water in home by which at least lips can wet. This became routine in their life. Hopelessness when ge went out from home and Hunger when he came back to home. Under these circumstances, he died due to starvation.
Now his wife had to do something for the children. His work had to be done by her wife. Daily, she locked the door and went to search for work.
But her fault was that she was a woman. Now a days, People also think that woman is a weak creature. She felt that people are having bad eye on her. One day, she went to a general store. She asked shopkeeper for 1 kg flour. She said i will pay money when i will have.
Shopkeeper said,"Everything will be supplied to your home. Just you have to spend time with me." She got shocked.
She said' "I know that flour is costly but not more than a woman's self respect."
She was in severe shocking condition. She was feeling insecure. Forgetting all his children, she went to bank of canal. She jumped into the water and disappeared in seconds....
Some people saw a woman drowned . They took her out of canal. She reached far off from her home. It was a village. She was taken to a woman's house where she lived alone. On getting consciousness she asked, " How much is the price of flour???"