

The False Criminal - Part 1
Story starts with a man named William, He lives a very casual life. He is unemployed and often remains sad.
But on a Cold night, on a simple winter day something happened with him that would variate his life. He was walking through the streets. He lived in Lugaria, which was a small city in the country of Sovernia. So,as he was walking, he stopped at his daily destination, The St. Patricks Park. He would sit in the park for a long time because he liked being their. He was wondering "Why is this world not giving me a chance?" Suddenly he heard some weird noises from the other side of the park, He stands up from his seat and suddenly hears a loud scream, William gets scared and says in a high pitched voice "WHO'S THERE!!". A man masked up comes out with a knife. This sight horrified William. He stands his ground. For a moment both the masked up man and William stare each other. WH- WHO ARE YOU!! William says stuttering. The man without any answer starts running and disappears in the darkness. William knew something was wrong as he saw blood all over the man's face. William runs towards the place and finds a man killed brutally by the masked up man. William remains in shock.... He couldn't even process what had just happened. Suddenly, one of Williams neighbour comes in the park and sees William near the dead. He screams "OH MY GOODNESS!!" William turns back and says "It's not what you think!"
The man runs away screaming in fear. William knew what had just happened and after realising he breaks down into tears. Cops reach the scene of Crime and arrest William. William trys explaining the cop but they don't listen. This was a serious crime in Sovernia,and the punishment could go upto Death Penalty!! But before this investigation was to be done. The SIB ( Sovernian Investigation Bureau ) gets into action and on the date of 18th March 2002, William is taken into custody. The Detective 'Cory Stanford' is appointed to look after the case. William is bought into the asking room and.......

To be continued......
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