

I lost my best friend
Shizuka, she is my best friend. I call her Yoka, she has been my friend since we were in kindergarten until now that we are in the 1st year of college. I admit, sometimes she has a habit I don’t like. Since they were rich, she probably had in mind that she could get everything she wanted. I love her so I will understand her no matter what we go through. Until our friendship was tested because of a man.

"Eukii, Ohayo!", Yoka greeted me enthusiastically. "These ribbon hair clips will be the symbol of our friendship". She added and put the red hair clip in my hair. She said, I should always use it and when I lose it she will kill me. She laughed and hugged me tightly. I told myself I was lucky with my friend.
When our class was over, Yoka and I and our group decided to meet tomorrow to rehearse a dance for our project at P.E. I was also chosen by our group to serve as leader.

Saturday morning, we started planning the dance, the music and who our partner would be. I gave everyone the freedom to choose the partner they wanted. I didn't expect Yuki to choose me as a partner. Yuki has long been admired by Yoka. So out of respect for my friend, I asked Yoka if she would like to exchange partners with me. But she refused my offer. Until our rehearsal time ended. Yoka and I were left alone in the room because she said she wanted to talk to me.

"Eukii, Can I have that friendship hair clip with me first." Yoka said and took it from my hair. She even said that it is ugly and she would just replace it with a new one.
She also did not take me home in their car. Until Monday came but she seemed to be avoiding me and we didn’t have lunch together either.
In the afternoon, I invited Yoka to talk to me so I could find out if we had a problem.
She refused but I grabbed her hand tightly and pulled her to the fire exit. "Let's talk!" I shouted.

"Do you like Yuki too?" Yoka asked me and I was stunned. "No, nothing!" I stuttered in response.
According to Yoka, she heard one of our group mates say something like “Finally, your crush will be your dance partner Yuki", while Yuki and one of our classmates were whispering. I was surprised by what she said.
And I saw Yoka's tears dripping, I didn't know what I would do to stop her.
I hugged her but she pushed me away. "You're so shallow, Yoka, it's just a crush" I told her with a forced laugh.
"Let's talk when your brain is calm" I told and I left.

Yoka also missed class for a few days. Every morning I waited for her outside their house before I went to school. Every night I give her call but she answer the phone.
Until one day, it was Saturday when the phone rang. Yoka was on the other line and said she wanted to meet with me to talk.

I went to the place she said. I really don't understand why she even thought of meeting on the plateau. I saw Yoka waiting for me. I walked quickly and greeted her with a smile.
"Mushi-mushi!" I greeted. "You're crazy Yoka!" I said. I approached her but she pushed me, "Don't come near!" she shouted. I could see the sadness on her face and she was crying.“ I hope we get along, Yoka”, I said. She smiled and stepped towards me but she was suddenly slipped. I was stunned by what I saw, she was already on the shore of the cliff. I hurried over and forced myself to reach for hands clinging to the rocks. That place was so steep that I had a hard time reaching her hand. "Yoka, hold on. I'll ask for help!" I said to Yoka as I reached into my pocket for the cellphone. I sent a message to her mom that Yoka and I needed help and where we were. I dropped my cellphone and I don’t even know if I sent it. I cried and I screamed, "Help! Help!" But there seemed to be no one else in that area. "Yoka, hold on, tight!" I forcefully reach for her. Finally, I reached for her hand but she pulled me down unintentionally. We were both on the shore but I could have climbed. But I had to hold Yoka tight. One of my hands was still clinging and my two feet were stepping on the rocky edge of the cliff. I couldn’t see Yoka but I felt her put something in my pocket and her voice was almost muffled. "Forgive my stupidity Eukii. Forgive me for being too selfish. Forgive me!" She spoke in a low voice.
"Forget it. Maybe your mom is already on the way." I answered.
But she said she was tired. "Don't, hold on. Don't give up. We'll still eat your favorite ramen and sushi." I replied. I heard her crying. "If you keep holding me we might both die. But if I let go, you can still survive", she said.
"Arigato Eukii, sayonara! (means thank you Eukiii, goodbye!)" and her grip on my hand loosened.
"Yokaaa!" I almost fainted. I struggled to get up and I lost consciousness.

Well five years ago. To this day I still wear the red friendship hair clip we had that she put in my pocket. She is the memory I will never forget.
© angie