

Autumn Festival

My name is Amy. Yeah, I know. It's not very exciting or cool, but I guess that's who I am. I live on my Gram's farm. I've lived with her for 3 years now. When I was 13, my parents died in a car accident, so I had to come live here. Not that I mind, I love my Gram. It's just a lot of work living on a farm.
But for some reason, my BFF Brit, convinced me Gram's farm is the ideal place for the Autumn Festival this year.
She's on the Festival planning committee, along with my long term frenemy, Jessica. She's the Cheer Captain, and the reason I'm not on the squad. She sabotaged my try out last year and convinced her mom, Karen, (who happens to be the cheer coach) that if I couldn't even make that little flip, I wouldn't make the cut. Karen agreed. Since then, everyone at school has called me "Accident Amy."
But let's not talk about that. This weekend is the Autumn Festival, and I'm setting up the barn with my other BFF, Ashley. She is a hacker. With her skills, the haunted house this year is gonna be EPIC!
I look around and we are sorely understaffed. We had 10 names to volunteer to set up the haunted house, and including me, there is only 4 of us here. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, for the last week everyone in school has been staying home sick. But they never get back to school... it's kinda weird.
"Hey Ash," I call out. "You almost done?"
"Just about! This is gonna be sweet! Can't wait for all the jocks to crap their pants!" Ashley cackles hysterically.
Ashley is like me. Another social outcast. I think that's why we get along so well.
"Hey," Tylor pouts. "Not all of us jocks are that bad!"
"Yeah," Agrees Taylor.
Taylor and Tylor are the only other kids helping us today. The twins are part of the "In crowd." Taylor is on the Cheer Squad, and Tylor is the star football quarterback.
"In fact," Tylor continues, "I was gonna ask Amy if she would be my date tomorrow night."
I gasp.
The utter look of shock on his sister's face makes is almost offensive!
Okay, so I've had a secret crush on Tylor for forever. But he never seems to notice me; and that's okay since I've sent the last two years basically trying to blend into the background, so the other kids would stop picking on me... It's almost worked. If I was someone else and he asked me, the answer would take less than a second to respond "YES!" but because of who I am...
"Um... as flattering as that is, I've got a haunted house to run," I respond.
"C'mon, you can have a date and still run the haunted house," he insists. "You know, I've actually wanted to ask you out for a while, but Jessica... Well, I don't know if she's jealous or what, because she's told the whole team not to date you. But I'm getting sick of her bossing me around. Please?"
So, that's why... And all this time, I thought I wasn't pretty enough.
I look at Tylor. He is completely dreamy! Should I really trust him? He sounds so sincere... What could be the harm?
"If you are sure, then I would love to!" I relent.
Tylor gives me a super star grin and I just about melt.
"Already for tomorrow!" announces Ashley.
"Great! Let's get outta here!" I say.
Outside, Brittany is all smiles. "Hey Amy! We just finished the corn maze! It's gonna be fantastic!"
I love Brit, she is so enthusiastic, and that's just what I need, when most of my life has been so dark.
She is joined by Stephany, Michelle, and Jenny... all of them are on the cheer squad, but I have no hard feelings toward them. They are just following Jessica...
Speak of the she-devil...
"We just finished putting up all the booths, didn't we boys?" she saunters up to me. "It will be perfect! Your farm is so... "spooky", just right for Halloween," she giggles.
John, Steve, and Luke gather around her, chuckling.
I force a smile. "That's great!"
Ashley comes up beside me, "We can't wait for you to check out the haunted house, tomorrow," she sneers.
I look at Ashley. I love her and all, but the last week, I'd swear she is possessed or something. Maybe an alien abducted her or something? She's not normally this mean, although, this is Jessica we are talking about. I'm not the only one who hates this girl.
Gram strolls up to us, carrying a tray of hot apple cider, cookies and brownies.
"The place looks great, you guys! Very scary," she chuckles mildly. "I thought after all your hard work, you would like a snack."
"Thanks, Mrs. Mills!" says Tylor as he takes a cider.
Everyone grabs something and we all murmur our thanks to Gram. She is the greatest! And she does make the best brownies in all of Oakville!
After everyone is finished with their refreshment they all turn to leave, and I help Gram gather the left over cups.
Tylor turns back to me, "See ya tomorrow?" he calls out uncertainly.
I just smile back.
He sends me a slow, sexy smile back and turns around to join Taylor, who glares at him. He just shrugs if off.
Gram gives me a sly smile, but I say nothing.
I normally don't really care what I look like for Halloween parties, and just go as a witch. But this year... I've picked out a cute little pirate costume with a black, fluffy skirt that comes to mid thigh, red tights, a black corset, and a red fluffy shirt. I even have the hat and boots. I put my make up on with special care, and curl my soft brown locks. I have to admit, I look totally cute!
There's a knock on my door and I rush to answer it. It's about a half hour before everyone comes over to man their stations. Maybe Brit or Ash came over early.
On the other side of the door, a dashing vampire ogles me. "Yo, ho! I want some of that pirate booty!" he growls.
I giggle, suddenly really embarrassed.
"Your early," I manage.
Tylor grabs my hand and pulls me out onto the porch. He suddenly looks really nervous and runs his fingers through his hair.
"I," he chokes, and clears his throat. "I was just wondering if you needed any other help..."
"Where is Taylor?" I ask.
"I don't know... I looked for her and was going to tell her I was coming over early. I think she was going to come over with Jessica or something, so I just left," he says sheepishly.
"Well, why don't we go check out the maze. Brit says it's awesome," I giggle. For some reason, I'm really nervous too... Especially since he looks like he wants to eat me... and not in a bad way.
We stroll hand in hand to the corn maze. Thankfully it hasn't rained in the last few days, the last thing I want is muddy boots.
"So, I know you've been around for a while, but I've never had the chance to get to know you. Tell me something about yourself... I want to know you; not the rumors the school has spread about you," he speaks softly in my ear.
We pass some of the scarecrows, and I have to admit... They really do look like they are going to jump out at me and do terrible things...
But that isn't why my heart is in my throat.
"Um, well... The real reason I moved to Gram's has nothing to do with either of my parents ending up in jail. And they definitely aren't hiding from the cops for embezzlement. I came here because they died in a car crash," I admit.
"I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't cover it, but I really am. Especially since you end up here and everyone treats you like a freak. I have no idea what that would feel like," he whispers.
"Thank you." I look up at him. "I've been in a pretty dark place since I moved here. Ashley was sort of in the same place when I moved in, so we became fast friends. Then Brit came along like the golden rays of sunshine and she's pulled me up."
"Everyone needs a good friend like that..." he says.
By now we are in the middle of the maze. I know exactly where we are and I pull Tylor down a path that I know leads to a dead end.
When we reach the end he turns to me, and places his hands on my waist and pulls me to him. He leans over a whisper away from my lips. "I would love to be one of your friends, if you will let me..." Then he brushes he lips lightly against mine. My body tingles from the light contact. I want more, but instead I smile at him and pull him in the right direction.
Suddenly feeling flirty, I dash off ahead of him. He lets out a low growl and chases me through the corn maze. I zig zag through the corn stocks, trying to out run him, giggling the whole way.
Just before I make it to the exit of the maze, he tackles me to the ground.
"I love it when you play hard to get," he pants in my ear.
I giggle some more and lightly shove his shoulder, just as a shriek of disgust comes from overhead.
"What is going on here? What are you doing... with her?" screams Jessica.
Standing around her are the volunteers for tonight's event, which includes half the senior football team and the cheer squad. They are all staring at us with a mix of confusion and a fair amount of entertainment. Right in the middle, my besties are watching me. As always, Brit is a ray of sunshine and genuinely looks happy, while Ash looks amused.
Tylor glares at Jessica, "None of your business," he growls.
Luke jogs up to us and holds his hand out for Tylor and pulls him up, winking. "You guys okay?" He asks. "By the way, great tackle, not that I blame you..." he chuckles, looking me up and down.
My face burns red with embarrassment.
Tylor turns around and pulls me up and places a protective arm around my shoulders, still glaring at Jessica.
"Okay, then. It's time guys! Places, everyone! People will be here any minute. What is going on over there? Stations, now!" snaps out Karen from somewhere over in the booths, completely unaware of what just went down.
The crowd disperses, and Tylor and I head over to the barn with Ashley. She's gonna be there all night with all the electronic tricks, but she said she doesn't mind. Hopefully someone will come and relieve me and Tylor in an hour or two so we can go around the booths too. But looking around again, I realize we are even more understaffed than we were yesterday afternoon.
"Where is Taylor?" he asks. "She is supposed to help us out at the haunted house."
"Haven't seen her," responds Ashley. "But don't worry about the haunted house! I got this!" she smirks again, and jogs ahead of us.
We've been standing around taking tickets for an hour when the sun finally goes down. The autumn chill is in the air and I start to wish I had a warmer costume on.
Tylor stocks up to me and puts his arms around my waist again. "You okay?" he asks, his voice going low and deep, sending a chill through my whole body. "If you're cold, I could always warm you up," he whispers suggestively.
Just then, a high pitched scream comes from the corn maze.
"Huh, I didn't think the maze was that scar-" I am cut off by shriek after shriek coming from the corn maze.
"What's going on?" Tylor asks.
"I don't know, but we'd better find out," I say, as yet another person screams bloody murder.
Tylor grabs my hand and yanks me toward the maze.
All at once all the scarecrows in the cornfield march out to the booths. Screams erupt everywhere. Students, parents and even younger children run in panic. Toys get trampled on, booths overturned, food dropped to the ground.
The scarecrows converge on the center of the festival, surrounding someone, but I can't see who.
We dash forward, trying to figure out what is going on. Were the scarecrows supposed to come to life? I thought we just had the guys dressing up in black and jumping at random people...
We push our way through the scattering crowd.
"STOP! PLEASE!" screams a voice. One I know all too well.
"Bring them to me, my minions!" someone calls from behind me.
What the heck? What was going on?
Some of the scarecrows drag the witch, kicking and screaming to their master, while others carry, drag or otherwise haul their captives toward... my best friend.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Aren't you tired of it all, Amy?" she asks. "We are never going to be like them," she bites out.
I look around and notice all the bullies in the entire school have been corralled in front of Ashley.
A tear leaks down my check. "Ash, if you do this, you will be just like them!" I plead.
Suddenly, a princess steps out from behind Ashley.
"Don't you get it, Amy?" she smiles. "We are doing this for you!"
Electricity gathers in her hands and she creates an orb.
Since when could she do that? I wonder.
"How?" I stutter. "How are you guys doing all this?"
"Oh, silly! I'm a witch!" Brit giggles. "Have you noticed all the students not making it back to school?"
I feel the pit in my stomach drop to my toes.
"What did you do?" I whisper.
"I needed their energy. I have the ability to take energy from other people, then turn it into power and make people or objects do what I want. I needed their energy to feed my power for tonight... And you know how Ashley is really good with electronics?" She smiles like she's on some game show and about to announce the Grand Prize Winner.
"My "hacking skills" are part of my power. I have the ability to control anything with electricity," Ashley smirks.
A shutter runs through my body. I had no idea that was even possible! Sobs start wracking my body. Tylor holds me tight, trying to shield me from whatever it was my best friends are up to.
"Oh, don't worry, Tylor. You were never one of them. And we would never hurt Amy! You two will be safe! And so will everyone else who doesn't make the school a miserable place to be! We all just need to get along!" the princess smiles cheerfully.
Ashley grabs the princess's hand. They raise their fists together and throw the electricity into the sky. Dark clouds form, thunder rumbles and lightning strikes the earth creating a giant vortex of magic, surrounding the prisoners.
"Brittany, why?" I choke.
"Because we love you," she sings, while Ashley cackles.
Wind circles the victims, wailing and moaning. As it grows louder, white mist pulls from the hearts of each of students. Cries of grief and despair echo throughout the farm.
Then it all stops.
Silence reigns.
Tylor pulls me in closer and I lean my head on his shoulder while I look at Brittany and Ashley's slaves. They stare back at us with black, soulless eyes.
"We love you Amy!" they drone in perfect unison.
"See, now we can all be friends!" smiles Brittany.

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