

My office story Part(VI)Last Part.
Azaan faced breathlessness and choked the ring was still in his hand he scratched his chest by his nails as he was facing congestion and wasn't able to breath.He felt unconscious. After few moments his dad came into room and called him 2...3 times but he didn't responded he saw the scratches on his chest and also his lips were also turned purplish. His dad called an ambulance and he was immidiately rushed to hospital were doctors declared him DEAD!!!!
Getting informed about this Alina rushed to hospital where Azaan's family started giving her taunts about she was responsible for Azaan's death. When Azaan's body was handed over the ring was given to Alina by doctors. She reached home after his last rites and she leaned over her bed and cried alot with that ring in her hand. She closed her eyes and Azaan's face was flashing before her eyes. She was remembering the way he used to flirt, The way he used to smile, The way he used to show his love for her, The way he used to get jealous, His possessive nature. She said to herself that she won't forget the day he left her alone forever. She felt asleep while crying
Her Maid: Ma'am get up Ma'am you'll be late for office when she woke up the ring wasn't with her. She lost Azaan's last gift( I'm writer and still my eyes are full of tears while writing this story)
She got ready for the office whose owner was dead. She left feeling low Azaan was all over her mind. She pondered about how he used to welcome her with that million dollar smile. She reached office and took a deep breath to enter the cabin of Azaan . She closed her eyes and thought about his smiling face welcoming her everyday. When she opened the door
Someone: Alina I have to confess something
This voice seemed familiar. When she opened her eyes. A guy wearing black tuxedo was standing in front of her. She rushed hurriedly towards him and hugged him such that both of them fell on the ground
Alina: I can't believe, this nightmare seemed so true
Azaan: Well I never expected what I wanted to say will be first confessed by you. Now it's nothing left to say except for WILL YOU MARRY ME SWEETHEART?
Alina: Yesssssssss I will...I will...I will and I love you so much I'll never leave you BABE
This is not a Happy ending but this will be an awesome beginning for AZINA ( AZAAN AND ALINA)


© wanderer♡