

The Day After My Birthday💣
Write a short story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.

When I was 7 years old, I was introduced to a really devastating accident with my bike. I am twelve years old now so that was a long time ago.
It all happened on a Sunday morning when I was sent on an errand. It was the day after my birthday and I got a new bike so I decided to ride that to the grocery shop. During a recent heavy shower of rain, there was now a pothole in the road which caused me to fall off the bike. Part of the reason for this was because my old bike's brakes were a little slow to come into action and so every time I squeeze it, my bike stops 5 seconds after or so. Now, my new bike was faster to stop when I squeeze the brakes and I totally forgot!
My new bike who's name was speedy was now broken, the groceries were destroyed and so was my right-hand thumb. Luckily for me, my phone was not broken and I was able to call my dad to come to pick me up and you know parents.. Instead of carrying me home, they carried me to the hospital but im glad they did because my finger was broken and I was really devastated.
Both my parents and my friend were there for me to comfort me until I got better so I had no problems or so I thought! I was told by the doctor that I was not to put any pressure on it well... That's exactly what happened!! I fell on the ground and hit it hard and now it is opened or digged a little. 5 years has passed and it still hasn't healed but I don't let it get in the way of what I can do and neither should you.

"If you come across a tough situation, don't let it get the best of you my fellow WritcoBoos"