

What is it called👌

*Divine exception: some things are fashioned to finish you. The enemy plans well and executes, but then he misses the target since we're the "touch not" described in Psalms 91. When they ask, What is it called? Tell them it's divine exemption 🤍💫*

*Divine elevation: Some things are fashioned to keep you down, to keep you troubled and weary. The enemy sits and executes his plan, but then you keep expanding and increasing more than Jerusalem as described in Zachariah chapter 2. What do people call this?? Make them understand it's divine elevation 💛🌻*

*Divine acceleration: Some things are meant to hold you back and it derails your progress. The enemy sits, plans and executes but you keep moving with more speed like a trailer without breaks. What do you call this? It's divine acceleration 😊✊.*

*I will forever be in love with this God. His taste is immaculate. Let me rejoice in Him and continue resting under His shadow.🤍💫*

_@Ken Thuranira Stanley._
© Ken Thuranira