

Watashi o hanasanaide(never let me go)
Yui-is a female (fire and thunder crossbreed)kitsune
Haru-is a male ( fae dragon and a black)dragon
Yui’s dad
Haru’s parents-mom and dad
Ori-the daughter at the end of the play
Yuki-the son at the end of the play
Scene one
The setting is at Yui’s house and it is a week before the alpha meeting she is in her room where she is packing and she is taking to her dad about
what if something goes wrong and she hurts somebody for making fun of her for being a crossbreed and what if no one pays attention to her ideas
because of it but all she has ever wanted to do isfit in and she never has due to her being a crossbreed.On the other hand at Haru’s house he is
also with his parentstalking about the issue of him being a crossbreed but he is not worrying about the same thing but he goesfurther he asks his
parentsto check the roster for any crossbreeds and when they find there is only one other crossbreed he asks his parentsto look into the
crossbreed which is yui he is more concerned about finding a mate because if he does not have one by summer solstice he will be debunked of all
his leadership and he will forever be alone.
Yui-”Dad do you think that i will be okay this is my first time going to an alpha meeting i wonder who will be there I heard that that the
black- fae alpha haru will be there and so if he is there I will feel more comfortable because he is a hybrid like me”.
Yui’s dad-”Honey I told you that it does not matter if you are the only crossbreed there and if he is there i hope that you can become
friends so you will not feel so alone because you think that you are the only crossbreed which you are not there are plenty of
crossbreeds out there they just feel the same way as you but some are so scared that they never leave their houses”.
Yui-”Dad what if he is there and we become friends what if he ends up liking me” yui started to blush then she changes the subject “but
that would be really be cool if we did become friends”.
Yui’s dad-”You should just finnish packing your stuff since you will have to leave tomorrow scince the meeting is so far away”.
Yui-”Ok ok dad i just have to get a few more things and I will pack the rest tomorrow mornig so i can get dressed then we can leave”.
With Haru and hisfamily
Haru-”Mom dad what if i'm the only crossbreed there because i know that i will most likely be the only one there and i know ‘It does not
matter haru you are not the only crossbreed in the world’ “ haru was very worried that he would never find a mate but he hoped to find
one at the alpha meeting.
Haru’s mom-”Would you stop talking if we checked the roster for the alpha meeting then if we find a crossbreed we will do recherch on
them”although she was irritated with him she wanted to do this to make him feel better.
Haru-”Yes that would be very comforting” haru felt better now that his mom would do that for him.
Haru’s mom called her husband who would be running the event and asked him if he could look at the roster and see if there was going to be any
other crossbreeds at the event because haru was worried it took her husband only a second to find the information he said that there would be
another crossbreed at the event it was a girlshe was part fire kitsune and part thunder kitsune she also had a little bit of pegasus and even a little
bit of hippocampus and she livesin port kalena her name is Yui Orianna she lives with her dad she has no friendsshe issaid to be a very kind girl
her mom died when she was only 11 yrs old she has dealt with bullies because of her being a crossbreed then his mom hang up.
Haru’s mom-”Your dad said that there would be another crossbreed at the event it was a girl she was part fire kitsune and part thunder
kitsune she also had a little bit of pegasus and even a little bit of hippocampus and she lives in port kalena her name is Yui Orianna she
lives with her dad she has no friends she is said to be a very kind girl her mom died when she was only 11 yrs old she has dealt with
bullies because of her being a crossbreed that is exactly what he said there are you happy you are not the only crossbreed that’s going
to be there anything else you want”she very surprised by what he said next.Haru-”Can you have dad arrange for us to have the same house to use while we are staying there” haru was kind of embarrassed by
saying that but he wanted to test something out.
Haru’s mom-”Why are you interested in her if you are i can even arrange to have her come here before the meeting” haru’s mom was
proud of her son.
Haru-”No thank you i can wait and where you said she lives she will be leaving tomorrow morning and i want it to be a surprise to her i
don't want to freak her out because they have already announced that I will be there and I also don't want to seem desperate” haru was
very excited to meet this Yui Orianna who he hoped would like him because he desperately needed a mate and he was very interested
in her.
Scene two
It isthe first day of the alpha meeting which lastsfor two yearsit trains young creaturesto be a leader and some even get married and become
strong and successful leaderssome although some may get kicked out and they are not allowed to be a leader and they will be known as a defect.
Yui-”Yui Orianna” she was at the sign in table and she was getting her house number.
Table lady-”You are going to be at house number 2459” the lady gave yui a packet , a set of keys , and then she gave her a special note
from haru.
Yui-”Thank you miss” yui put the papers in her bag then put the note in her pocket the lady told her to read it when she is alone because
it was a gift from the managers of this event.
Table lady-”Your welcome Miss.Orianna”.
Yui-I wonder who this note is from and i wonder who my house partner is when she got to the house she unpacked her stuff into the
proper places then she went into her part of the house and she read the note
Dear Yui Orianna,
Hi, I would like to enlighten you that i will be you housemate and that i have learned that you are also a crossbreed
i tried to learn as much as I could about you and i would also like to tell you that I am quite interested in you and your background and
what you have been through I would like you to know that I want to meet you at my private land here and then we can go back to our
house and get to know each other better.
With Care Haru Merhinki
So after reading the note Yui was all over herselfshe getsto share a house with the one and only Haru Merhinki and he said to come to his private
land how exciting would that be what if he likes her he did say he was quite interested in her and he called ‘our house’so she got dressed into
some cute clothes grabbed a few things and looked at the map for hisland and when she found itshe started on her way there when she got there
she was amazed the place wax huge how could he have this all to himselfshe walked up to the door and rang the doorbell
Haru-”Coming one miute please” Yui could not believe what was happening to her right now she was kinda scared then haru opened the
door “hello what are you here for”.
Yui-”I’, here to meet Haru he sent me a note to meet him here” what if i sound stupid because i got the directions wrong.
Haru- so this is Yui she is very cute she almost seems clueless does she not know what i look like “Oh so you are the wonderful
Miss.Orianna i have been waiting for you is there anything you would like me to get for you” haru was very pleased with himself for
being this interested in a girl and he hoped that she would like him.
Yui-”Oh oh my i’m so sorry haru im so sorry i never did know what you looked like” oh my i feel like i’m blushing oh i feel so bad.
Haru-”Oh it's fine there are no pictures of me anywhere except for my relatives house’s everyone knows me but not what what I look
like so it's fine come on in i made some rice balls for you” awww she is so cute when she is blushing.
Yui-”Thank you for inviting me to your house haru i knew that you were going to be here but my dad was saying that it would not really
matter if you were here or not because I was worried that I would be the only crossbreed at this event” yui started to blush a little.Haru-”Well i’m glad that i’m here for you so you do not feel alone” haru’s phone rings “oh sorry wait right here my dad is calling me so I
have to take this would you please go to the fourth floor i have a whole floor dedicated to animals and i heard you like them so you just
go up the stairs to the fourth floor then you turn left thank you love “ he felt proud to say that when he knew that she was gone he
answered his dad”You called me a little bit early she literally just got here so did you get the arrangement I asked for”
Haru’s dad-”Yes and why are you going so fast paced with her you just literally met her like just now met her but there is a catch to this
arrangement she has to fall in love with you by summer solstice or you know what will happen to you so you better make sure she can
love you and deal with you for the rest of your life so you better get her to love you at any cost but dont do anything stupid ok”
Haru-”By dad i have a new and soon to be budding love to attend to” after he hung up on his dad he called yui back down stairs from his
Yui-”How was the phone call with your dad i hope it went well is there a kitchen I'm hungry and it's dinner time and those rice balls were
the best I've ever had”
Haru-”I will tell my chef to cook us something because I really want to get to know you better yui”
Yui- “ok what do you want to know about me”
After a few minutes of talking.
Haru-”So I wanted to know if you like me”.
Yui-”I...I ...I b-but we just met each other”.
Haru-”That never stopped anyone”.
Yui-”If i being truthful ye-”.
Haru puts his hand on yui’s cheek.
Yui- “Haru what ar-”.
Haru then kisses yui and then he deepensthe kiss yui issurprised that he did this but as haru goes on he grabs yui around the waist and just kept
kissing her and he just keeps deepening the kisses with yui when he finally breaksthe kiss yui isjust filled with happiness and joy butshe isstill
very surprised and wantsto know why he kissed her
Yui- “What just happened haru why did you kiss me”.
Haru-”Is it not obvious to you yet it's because i like you yui and i want to be with you so do you want to go out with me”.
Haru-”Thank you and just so you know you will be living here with me from now on here in this house”.
Scene three
It has been a year and a halfsince haru and yui have started dating every once in awhile they would get negative commentsfrom some people
those people think that they should get with people so they will not have crossbreed children in the future but they have handled it pretty well
and they just got an ok from the council of eldersthat they can get married in six months and they are almost done with the alpha meeting
Haru-”Hay yui where did you put my papers for the wedding and the reservations we need”.
Yui-”I put it in the drawer of the desk in the hallway on the third floor".
Haru-”Thank you yui” he was very happy at the moment-..Yui-”Haru come here right now” but he would not know that it would be too late.
Haru-”Wha-” then he saw a bunch of things that were thrown through their windows a the front of his house there were bricks , torches
, and a lot of other things then he looked at yui and then he felt like killing someone yui was on the floor bleeding it looked like she was
unconscious haru called his dad and a private ambulance to come get yui and take care of her and he would be back later after he is
done with some personal business
It isfour monthslater and yui hasjust woken up but when they took her vitals and they found out thatshe was pregnantso they had to surgically
remove the kidsshe had twins haru named the girl ori after her mom and named theirson yuki after her grandfather when she woke up there was
tons of nursesin there when she wasready to home they went to the mall and got hersome new clothesthe kids met their mom and then they
went home and then they had some dinnershe found outshe passed the alpha meeting and then haru told her about the kids what they have
done and then they also went to meetsome friendsfrom the alpha meeting then they went to bed and had a happily ever after the end!

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