

Adroit 1 - Lost Painting
This story is about a young girl named Eliza. She was a beginner artist. Her flair art of painting was impressive.
Tomorrow she have to visit the city. There is was an Art competition and she was a participant. She has made a very inquisitive painting with efforts. She was going with her father. Her excitement was beyond.
Eliza, "Dad, I have taken all necessary things for tomorrow. "
Dad,"Ok! Fine, Please come here."
Eliza,"What Dad?"
Dad, "Tomorrow day is big day for you. You should be sturdy. Just meditate for 10 minutes."
Next Morning, they approached to the railway station. Eliza hold the painting securely. She was protecting it because it was too much precious for her. Her future was dependent on the competition. They grab their seat in t train.
Dad,"Are you fine?"
Eliza,"Yes Dad, Had you ever experienced such situation?"
Dad,"Yes,I had many of them but fought them boldly. "
Eliza,"Thanks! You inspired me."
She was enjoying the beautiful scapes outside the window. She was sitting near the window. Suddenly, due to obstruction on the railway track the train slams an instant break and Eliza losses her control on the painting. Whilst, the painting squander out of the window and it fall in the river. It all happens quick, that was uncontrollable. For Eliza, it was a heart break moment.
Eliza, "Dad! What will I do now?"
Dad,"Wait! Eliza, calm down."
Eliza was completely unconscious and out of state. Somehow her father tried to keep her calm. They turn back to the town. She was depressed, her painting was destroyed. Her efforts are now trivial. Her Dream is now no more.
Dad,"See Eliza, next year the contest will also conducted the you can participate."
Eliza,"But my Painting?"
Dad,"Your Painting has gone not your art. You can try more better. Forget the past and go forward. "
Eliza,"But my hope?"
Dad,"You have the weapon still. It was not your mistake. Think about further, you are my brave girl. "
Eliza,"I lost my mother due to accident and now I lost my hope with an accident."
Dad,"No! Your aim is still on the lane. You will never lose your hope nor you have now. You are just blaming yourself. Now please get out of this. "
Eliza,"Ok! Dad I will make a more beautiful painting than this. "
Dad,"That's my Girl."

Next day, she went to farm. She was finding a place for painting and luckily she found it.