

A Young Girl's Dream (Part 1)
A girl was born into a family, she has three older brothers and a younger brother. As long as she could remember, Eversince she was a child her only dream was to be loved by her family and gain recognition from them. Now, she is Sixteen years old and still struggling with her so called dream . Though she was sent to school by her parent but all the responsibility of maintaining the house and doing the laundry was on her. She tried to gain her parent's love by helping them whenever they needed her help and she also tried to gain her brothers love by helping them with their laundries because they usually ignore her then she thought maybe it was because she was a girl, maybe if she disappeared it would be better, maybe if she was born as a boy all this would never happen, maybe she is a burden to them, maybe if she's gone they would be happy.
Then one day while she was resting after finishing all the house chores she said to herself, " I will never turn myself to a slave to gain my family's love, I will never turn this young obsession into a dream that can never be accomplished, I will never indulge myself in the habit of helping them when they ignore me like I never existed, I will change this young Obsession of mine, I will create my own dream that must be accomplished , I will not be A Rich Man's Wife But A Rich Wife, I will become Successful and let them regret Neglecting a Girl like me".

© Lissa