

Lessons (Revealed part II)
Now, before we start, you should read my story titled Revealed. This one will not be completely understood without the context given in Revealed. A quick note (That probably should have been given with Revealed) is that these two are my personal experiences with a romantic relationship that ended a few weeks ago. Enjoy!


Losing my favorite trail hurt. I do not regret a single second I spent walking that trail. There were many things it taught me.
One: Faith over fear
Me and the person whome I will only refer to as my favorite trail struggled with lust. I knew that was something I needed to give up in order to grow in faith with God but when it came time to bring it up, I felt fear. I stalled. Until finally we talked it out and agreed we both wanted to stop and be better for the Lord. That unreasonable fear I felt only got in my way. If I listened to the fear, I would have lost faith.
Two: Do not put things above God
I spent so much time thinking that the reason I was suddenly happy with my life was because of that trail. I depended on him for joy. I made my world revolve around him. This was until realized that God was the true reason for this happiness. God was the reason I was allowed to experience the beauty of that trail.
Three: Love
This trail taught me love in a way I had never felt. He led me to experience things I had never before. He did things for me that nobody has ever done. This relates back to two. The trail filled an empty void in my heart, but only partially. This made me realize that God is the only one who can fill that void fully. Once I accepted that, the void was filled and overflowed with His perfect love.
Four: Following God is not easy
You lose things. You leave things behind. You hurt. You cry. You greive. You struggle. You look around and see the evil of the world. You are tasked with the important job of telling others of the truth and bringing others to Jesus. All so more of us shall not perish, but receive everlasting life. This wonderful job comes with witnessing others leave the Lord and wishing you could help them. And knowing what awaits them if they continue to live separate from God. All you can do is pray for them and hope they come back and get to experience all the amazing things it has brought you. Through it all, you are given a way out. You are given peace. You are given purpose. All from God.
Lastly: My relationship with this trail has taught me that even through hard times of my life, I will be okay. God is with me. As long as I run to Him, I will be okay. He will give me a way out

© Rwr!tes