

When my Nightmare becomes a Reality - (Ep 8) Huge Fan of yours...

In this episode, Aura was waiting in the middle of the road for a lift. And she met a guy who was just looking handsome and cute but his attitude wasn't expected. He was arrogant. But who knows what will be his real attitude. Later, she met a strange car and a strange person.

The driver said, "Get in".
Aura went to the passenger seat and sat there. She saw a man. His eyes were sharp and the clothes he wore was like a superstar.

"Uhhh... Sir Thank you for this ride", she told. He made an eye contact with her her.

"What's your name?", he asked.
"Uhh.. Aura....Aura Lewis. By the way, sir, what's your name?", she asked.
"Liam Grey Oleander", he said.
"Oh... Are you from the Hamilton Grey Entertainment Company?", she said.

"Can I get your autograph? Please...", she said excitedly.


He gave her the autograph. "Thank you so much...I am a huge fan of yours. I have heard alot about you.... I used to watch to all the programs and I love the songs by the artist in your company ", she said.

"Okay.. So, why don't we exchange our numbers", he said. Aura was surprised. "Of course.. Here is the number.", she said and lend her phone to him.

They have exchanged each other's number.

And finally she has reached her home.
She thanked Liam, once again and went to her house.

---------------Summary of episode-------------
In the episode, Aura met Liam Grey Oleander, the owner of the Hamilton Grey Entertainment. She was excited to meet him and so on they have exchanged each other's number. And at the end of the episode, she finally reached her home back.


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Written by ~@Hazel._.choco2378
Stay Tuned for next coming episode...

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