

Night in the forest
disturbed,hurt and sad,I decided to talk a stroll in the night,to clear aching,heavy and pained head...

So there I was strolling at midnight, trying to forget all my pains and struggles,when suddenly there was a loud cry coming from the forest,It was a cry of an animal,the loud of cry of German shepherd.Usually I wouldn't just enter into a forest,but my love and innocent heart wouldn't let me just walk past without helping.

Into the forest I entered and I was surprised at the sight my mouth was agap,never have I seen such beauty,never I have seen a group of trees having so many glowing vibrant colors,to my surprise I felt peace,I felt love and peace things I have never felt before.

Later on the beautiful creatures of the wild started to sing their natures song,the birds chirping,the wolves howling,it was like a group of celebrities gathered together and started making harmony,a group of Acapella singers in the wild.

Still on the search for the crying dog I came in contact with natures trees,the leaves ever so green and the branches were hard yet soft,it was warm and made me safe...
finally I found the dog,it was injured and needed help,I took the dog in my arms and walked out the forest....

when I came out,I came out more peaceful,and it was as if all my life's problem was taken away from me...
I never knew a forest could be so life changing.
© Lucky.E