

Orphan's tear
Every child born in this life in the bosom of his mother and father, ‏but there are those who have been oppressed by that life to complete the rest of his life without a mother and without a father.
‏Amidst the gusts of wind and the heavy rain, ‏there are cries of pain for a young child after the death of his parents after a war that destroyed all the townspeople.
‎Scars on his face from the scars of the war and traces of blood stained red all over the place
His crying paused for a moment with his last tear as he watched that woman in the red cap and black eyes looking at him smiling

She carried him in her arms and started wiping his tears from his face amidst the terrifying origins of thunder, ‏then threw him in front of a door that she had passed on the road to leave him and disappear, ‏then ‎.......
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