

Strange Coincedences
Dear Friend,
I've wandered through this world,
back and forth
round and round.
Yet the mystery of our pull
is the strangest thing I've seen.

There are so many places I've been
and so many more I would love to see,
but now it's time for me to stop
and somehow
I've run into you again.
It was 2 months from yesterday
when I first moved in,
and now it's time for you to arrive.
You showed up with moving boxes
outside my window yesterday,
the aniversary of when I moved in.
I guess we are neighbors now.
Are you here to stay
or is this a temporary arrangement?
Either way,
it's really nice to see you again.
All these coincedences are starting
to add up.
How many times has it been?

Do you remember when we met in Rome?
You were a student of archeology and I
a speaker on the mysteries of rocks.
It was such a funny thing
that we would first met there
in the hustle of that city.
I think the first question you asked me
was why I chose to speak there.
At the time,
I didn't have an answer.
Rome was simply appealing I suppose.
But now I understand
that I needed to meet you
and that's why I felt drawn to Rome.
I am a scientist.
I don't believe in the mythical and religious.
But now,
I guess I should because fate has played
such a big part in both of our lives.

In Egypt,
we ran into each other again
July that same year.
I was traveling for another speech,
this time all about sand,
and you had finally graduated as you put it.
You started your first dig
the day after we met
and I remember that because
you were so excited beforehand.
Egypt was nice, but too hot for me
that's why I left as soon as I could.
I had hoped to hear about the dig,
but there was no time before my flight out.

In China,
I was surprised at how fluent you were.
The words rolled off your tounge.
Meanwhile, I struggled with the basics.
It was like the difference between
an Egyptian tomb and a European grave,
one much more complex than the other.
We had met
at the convention of old discoveries.
You helped me with Chinese
best you could
over sushi at my hotel restaurant.
Then I drove you to your hotel
in the rickety rental car they allowed
the foreigners to use.
I heard all the details about your dig
but I can't remember
why you were in China at the time,
it wasn't just for the convention,
I know that.
For me, it was the Himalayas.

In Germany,
there was a quiet spot we both
found that Thursday.
Somehow I was drawn to it.
What about you?
It was nice to relax
in the shade of the big oak tree
with you next to me.
Sometime in Germany,
I think the next day over coffee,
we realized the coincidences
seemed more then just that but
we had no proof of anything at all
let alone a theory.
It was just a matter of
mere coincidences that seemed to fit
like the pieces of a puzzle,
perfectly into our lives.
When we parted ways,
I wondered about the next time I'd see you.

In Brazil,
I had so many meetings to attend
but imagine my surprise when you
showed up to my ancient stone speech.
I'll admit it now,
the whole theory of same stone
was a reach in the dark
after crazy phantoms that didn't exist.
even when I wrote it
I knew that.
Yet I was compelled to write this
completely contradictory statement.
my surprise when you brought up
how terrible it was.
I had the same thoughts.

In Belgium,
the chocolate was delicious.
This time,
I got to help you with the languages.
My French and Dutch are pretty good!
your Chinese still amazes me.
It wasn't a surprise meeting you
at the architecture tour.
It seemed like just the kind of thing
that you would participate in.
In fact,
when I was signing up,
I thought of you almost immediately.
You proved me right
I guess.
But at that point,
I began to assume
that I would see you everywhere I went.

We had a few more chance meetings
but those were the ones I remembered most.
I guess you could say we've met
all across the world.
It seems like living next to each other
is the perfect ending of
this crazy, lifetime adventure.

It's been a pleasure traveling with you,
and I hope it was fun for you too!

I didn't mean to spy when you moved in,
but the piano looked heavy,
so let me know if you need any help.
We have traveled the world together,
the least I can do is lend you a hand
moving in!

-your travel partner

© addiworks
#world #travel #letter #friend #China #Belgium #Brazil #Germany #Egypt #Rome