

love from first look
James studing in the university and loved one girls who called Jane.
Jane have yellow hairs and big eyes.
One day they turn around when he noticed that she no. He beginning searched him but in vain.
In the home him ringing by unknown
-This who?
-My name is Jack your girl to me
-No you listening give me my onemilion and i will set free your girl, ok?
-Well where?
-I will sended you the addres
In the evening they meeting one in the dark room.
Here your money.
-The Jack asked.
-Set free the girl.
The Jane runing to Jack
-Shhh anythimg normal, rel axed
-Nothing relaxed
This asked and the gun was on him
-What stand up
-Fired if can
He wanted fired, but catridges ended
The James running with Jack and they beginning fighting.
The Jack bited Jacks mouth
-Get devils James
- Lost devils bay.
So many going back, that flited in the flost and deadly.