

Monsoon murmurs (8)
Biologically speaking Nandu is an adult now. Girls when attained puberty are called, "periya ponnu", the big girl. Well, if you apply the same to boys, Nandu is a Big man now. But in reality, only now he is allowed to enter the toilet at home which is only for the adults.

Until, then small boys were defecating right in front of the home or on the riverside bushes. Front of home is easy as by a call his sister will bring water and he could clean himself. But, small boys were humiliated by big pigs who are after their defecant and before the kids could discharge fully, the pigs would tilt them to ground eating away the feces. It is so embarrassing for the boys. This could be justified by positive recycling of waste, however, it could be a violent act as the pigs are aggressive.

So, the boys club together and go...