

a forever?
It's true there is never a forever. Not in love not in anything. Few words actually have a built in necessity for it to be a forever. Like friendship, family , love. Few believe in it too much and I call them stupid. I shall call myself one then.
What is love if there is no guarantee that it'll be a forever. It simply doesn't require a written guatantee and some fail to understand that. It's the mere understanding between the two, mere trust between the two that makes it a forever.
It's true there is never a forever. thick friends are those who remain friends until the very end. Not just that. Not a single moment in that forever should they regret being their friend. That's where the strength of their bond lies.
But it's also true that there can be a forever. It only requires the want to make it a forever. And there are quite a few who wishes that and is ready to sacrific many things to make it a forever. But I call them stupid. And I shall proudly call myself one.
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