

Rarest Things
Aha... Did anyone wonder what can be the most rare gem in the world? and the worst part to be frank is that my phone charge is going down... Ugh... I want it more I wanna write...

Ok so back to the gem... I mean that all around us are gems which are precious. If we lose them once they are gone and and and not atall casually, but emotionally there is a thin line between life and death... Just like many disasters around in this world. The time is time .. We do many things to win life but do we even have a second to think ? about why are we doing it? Or why do we need some things? Some of us run behind economic values n some acedemic... These things are equally important but do we really have time to think about our thin lines and the lines of people we love and can't lose atall? Without whome our lives will have no meaning...

So talking about the gems,
The first rarest gem os we ourselves
The second one is our loved ones

Think about the people who suddenly die in crashes or get lost suddenly... Eg the Orissa derailing and alot more... There is more to it Ugh... my phone is going to sleep ...

Not conclude my work but to be continued by using the quote “Life is a sweet lie and Death is the bitter truth.”

© Pauzzy-1710