

After Death
The weather was freezing and the room warm and cozy .It was Christmas time and there was happiness sprinkled all around.

But Collete can't feel any of these.She was lying on her bed taking her last breath. The severe attack of malaria had eaten her up and she was ready to leave this mean and cruel world. When she was attacked by malaria, she was only 16, and now she was 20.

She could feel it. Death is standing there, ready to take her away .She turned her weak structure to the other side, looking around her room for the last time.

She moved her dull, grey eyes around the room. The room was filled with a blur light ,the windows were closed ,the door slightly open, her medicines lying on the nightstand and the furniture full of dust due to lack of use.

Her chest and eyelids felt heavy and her stomach was crumbled with unease. Her body freezing cold like ice. She took a weak breath and everything went blank.

Collete opened her eyes .She was in a strange place, all pitch black. She was numb, the uneasy feeling was gone all of a sudden. The heaviness vanished and her body felt light as a feather. She tried to move ,but her body wasn't responding to her orders. A slow sound reached her ears, it was too far away to be audible. She listened to it silently, someone was crying bitterly. She panicked ,a lump forming in her throat .

A sudden jerk ,woked her up. The sudden movement forced her to close her eyes. She opened her eyes to a dim light.She found herself in a room .Windows open as the wind blew past the curtains. New furniture decorated along the room as the smell of fresh and polished wood filled the air.

"I am going to be the first!"A shrill voice reached her ears. Two young girls came running into the room, jumping on a sofa.

"I want a re-match!"

"Not at all !Collete!"

Collete was confused. It took her sometime to realize where she was. Her eyes glowed as her lips curved into a smile .

-----------Erum Ahmad