

My personal growth story: Being pre-diabetic
I need to start looking after my health. I have been told by the doctors that I am pre-diabetic. My blood sugar level is at 42. If it reaches 48 I will become diabetic and then I will be in trouble! Pricking my finger to test my blood sugar levels every day for the rest of my life is something I seriously want to avoid.

On the positive side I think it is great that the NHS has a Diabetes Prevention Programme that supports pre-diabetic people for nine whole months. It is about time that a greater effort is being made to prevent illness rather than waiting for it to develop and then treating it with medication.

I bet pharmaceutical companies would hate it though. They make millions out of the illnesses of others and most medication only keeps conditions under control rather than permanently curing them so they keep selling them and making their millions. If illnesses are prevented due to effective health campaigns by the NHS the pharmaceutical companies will not be happy. It really bothers me when greed is prioritised over people's well-being.

To get back on topic, I need to start looking after myself. I need to dramatically cut down my sugar and carb intake, I need to exercise, I need to reduce my stress levels and improve my sleep pattern. All these things have an effect on your blood sugar apparently.

Diabetes is no joke! It slows down the healing of wounds that can become infected and in the worst cases can lead to the loss of a limb. It can also cause heart failure and strokes. It's scary shit!

This is the first of a series of articles about my own personal growth.
My main priorities recently have been reading self-help books and trying to work out how best to use my skills and talents to pursue something worthwhile as well as having a meaningful relationship with my partner. Now my health is just one extra priority. But it must be the top priority as without my health I will most certainly struggle to pursue my purpose and be who I need to be for my girlfriend.

I will update you on how I am getting on with my personal growth in my next article.
© Andrew J Sinclair