

This is a tale where
Once upon a time
WINDOWS had panes where none would climb 🪜
MOUSE 🐁 was simply a mischievous pest
Who would nibble away crumbs and
Our homes would infest.
APPLICATIONS then,meant written requests on paper and HARDDRIVE was a bumpy ride , almost touching the Equator.Important paper cuttings were CUT with a scissor and PASTED with glue ,kept neatly folded in one FILE or two.During our times VIRUS
was virus, simply responsible for causing the flu.
WEB was naturally a spider's home
APPLE 🍎 was a fruit
BLACK BERRY fruits were just black and round,
KEYBOARDS were on pianos giving out a musical sound.
WATSAPP, FACE BOOK were no where around, where wishing virtually on festivals
were unheard and unfound.
Don't get me wrong, I "m certainly not against technology but the speed of it is a bit tooo dizzy 🥴.
These facts dawned on me bit by bit as nostalgia clasped me in its firm grip.
Ah! those were the days of small, small joys when our wishes were so simple and little little things made us rejoice.